I started trying to lose weight a couple months ago. Still have a ways to go but still proud! Not sure how to add pictures to posts but hopefully this link works lmao http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_md6kzv0FNn1ql0pvyo1_500.jpg Same weight so says the scale but I see differences
My fiance is looking to get back into some body building. He used to be really heavy into parkour and wrestling but since he's moved in with me he's put on a few lbs, and while he's still a twig, he wants to get "buff" so to speak (Not body builder commercial buff, just put on some noticeable muscle) and also prepare…
I'll start off with myself. My name is Ashley and I'm 18 and I live in Colorado. Getting married in a few weeks and really pushing to lose weight because we're planning on going to visit my family (which I haven't seen since I was skinny) as a honeymoon type thing, and also because he leaves for Basic Training in February…