Any help would be appreciated please!!

My fiance is looking to get back into some body building. He used to be really heavy into parkour and wrestling but since he's moved in with me he's put on a few lbs, and while he's still a twig, he wants to get "buff" so to speak (Not body builder commercial buff, just put on some noticeable muscle) and also prepare himself for Basic Training in February so he doesn't jump right into it getting beat because his scrawny self isn't used to it :p

He was wondering what kind of workouts are good for that kind of stuff, how many reps, etc.. but only has one friend who works out every day and I told him I'm see what any of you men have to say on here!

Any of you guys on here have any good exercises/plans? We already have protein powder and stuff as well, he just doesn't really fully know where to start to get the buff guy six pack/pecks/guns, etc


  • Plates559
    Plates559 Posts: 869 Member
    If his goal is to do well in body building he should find a body building program and do it.

    If his goal is to do well at basic training, he should find a good strength and conditioning program and do it.

    Body building and Strength/Cond are 2 totally different things. One you are trying to increase size, the other you are trying to increase performance.

    Have him do something like Starting Strength (mark rippetoe), or 5/3/1 (jim wendler) ... just something basic.