I will be the first to admit that I never thought that WW would work for me. I never thought I could count points. Well I was happily wrong. Today I hit my first 10% goal!! I love WW and since I've tried everything known to man. I'm sticking with it. For all the newbies out there keep going. Remember even though at times…
Hi Everybody! I'm doing my first 5k this Saturday, May 5th, 2012. I super excited, I'm doing it with my sister. Hopefully this is the beginning of a great addiction :)
Hi, Okay so I wanted to know if there are any alternatives to the prone jackknife exercise. I'm 227 and I tried these bad boys at home and it didnt go so well. I'm so glad I tried this at home BEFORE I embarassed myself at the gym :( 1) I could barely get on the ball 2) When I did get on the ball, I fell off (lol!!!) 3) I…
Okay, so I'm at work and my assistant mangager at work said, " you are really starting to lose weight, I can see it in your face." He's like my work big brother so it meant alot,plus he's a fitness buff so I go to him with questions ALOT, lol. It means alot to me that someone other than family/close friends has recognized…
I saw this on Goodmorning America, it seems there is some controversy about this book here is the synopsis: Taken from Amazon.com Product Description This book is about a 14 year old girl who goes on a diet and is transformed from being extremely overweight and insecure to a normal sized girl who becomes the school soccer…