basically, i've had an ED for the last couple of years i keep going through phases of in/out ED last week after some wise words from fam/friends/'experts' i've 'got back on track' but, in bid to try and be normal again i'm basically just binging/grazing, and have put on 6 lbs in the last week i know i look hideous and feel…
i've had 813 calories today, but have put on 2.5 pounds these last couple of days gaahh how about yourselves? :)
lost 6 lbs in 3 days of my new diet :)
hey :) basically i've suffered an ED for a year and decided about a month ago that i wanted to get back on track and eat healthily since, eating "healthily", i've put a stone on and don't fit in my size 4/6 anymore i now feel so sick at my weight but don't want to trigger my ED/ana again what would you suggest? xx
i find i never have the motivation to exercise so what kind of exercises can i do that are fun (: at the moment i ride and dance but not very often lol