In the last couple of months I’ve decided to be brave and venture away from the treadmill and pick up some weights in a bid to shape & tone....if anyone can offer any advice on my workouts I’d be grateful. I can manage 3 30min workouts and one longer 60min workout per week...the pics show what I have so far. I’m 5’3” and…
Hi everyone, I have 4.5 was until I go on holiday and have to face the swimsuit! I have lost 8lbs so far and weigh 125.5lbs at 5'3" but I'm still super unhappy with my shape and flabby belly after having my baby. Can I make a difference in 4wks? I feel like giving up. I do at least 3 work outs a week for 1 hr, a mix of…
Hi I wondered if anyone can suggest some good exercises I can do with my little one. We're getting up early tomorrow to go work out in the park as I have a few weeks left to get in shape for my wedding, I'd like to lose weight, tone my stomach, arms, back and thighs. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.