I cant seem to kick this cold... And i just started going to the gym literally two days before I got sick... I guess this is going to be like starting from scratch when I get back in there? Any suggestions?
Grocery Shopping
So the weekend is coming up (Which is usally where I go "Wrong" because I get bored and eat). I grocery shop on either saturday or sunday. I tend to buy the same things over and over. I believe this is why I get " burned out". Does anyone have any suggestions on how to change things up a bit? For snacks i usually take a…
I guess you could call me a new runner. I used to run in high school, now I am married and I have gained 50plus pounds and plan to start running again tomorrow. I am going to download the couch to 5k on my iphone to get started. Any suggestions?
Ready to loose this weight
I am so ready to get this weight off and I have been doing this for almost a week, with tracking evrything I eat. Its been pretty easy so far, untill dinnner time. I am getting a gym membership tomorrow to start running again. I used to run 4 mi a day rain or shine, got married, and it all stopped ( iv been totally…