New to the Gym - what should I be looking at doing?
So... It's been 13 years since I last went to any Gym, and the woman doing my induction on the new equipment was less than half my weight, which put me off. Until recently. Our local PureGym drew me in, so in exchange for my hard earned cash, I now get 24/7 access to the latest in excercise equipment (Plus they have lights…
Digestive Issues
Diet has been going well. Just calorie counting and cutting out enough sugar, salt and fat as I can. Several times I have been above my target calories BUT I have been walking a lot. Week 1 have lost 3lbs, but then on the third day of week 2, my guts started to cramp up and I had the runs. It's now the end of week 2, and…
At the start of a very long haul
I've been trying to lose weight by eating what I consider to be healthy foods while only exercising by walking. Naturally it hasn't worked not because I've lost binged due to hunger, but because I've been eating the wrong things. This site, not only being free, breaks down the foods and shows the hidden sugars and fats and…