Dog food - low fat chihuahua recommendations?
Sorry if this is completely random. I been feeding my 4 year old 8 lbs chihuahua a brand called "Wellness Core" They have different formulas. Currently the "low fat, reduced fat" makes him shed really really bad The one I used and liked was the Ocean formula (no grains at all, only fish) But it's getting expensive. Are…
Completed my first 5k then stuffed my face!
I am really really really happy for myself. I finally ran an entire 5k which is a feat for me considering how last year I couldn't even run for 3 minutes straight. My time was 30 min so I am definitely going to work up a better finish time. Then I ate all the free food they had apparently i dont know how to insert a picture
"Runners Knee" and recommendations for shoes
I recently started running, but by running I mean only 1-2 miles. So nothing intense. But for the last month or month and a half I have noticed incredible knee pain. I was taking classes at my gym that was cardio and some weight training - we did A LOT OF squats. I watch my form and am pretty familiar with how to do them.…
Frustrated & Discouraged - not losing weight
Alright. I lost 30 lbs on Weightwatchers (diet only, wasn't really working out) Then I hit a plateau and joined a gym and quit smoking. Gained 5-7lbs during this process. Thought once my body got used to no more smoking and got used to me working out - I would eventually lose the weight again. Not happening. So I adjusted…
Dieting and no exercise...?
I have been slooooowly losing weight for the last few months. I almost feel like this is my "Stuck at" weight and it won't budge. Is there a point in dieting that the foods you are eating and the calories you are taking in just doesn't do the trick? I managed to lose 30lbs without really actively working out and just did…