

  • I am 5'3 and 145 lbs and I still want to eat more after eating a lean cuisine. I don't even bother. I feel like its a waste of calories in my belly when I can take that 250-300 and make it into a huge salad with 4oz chicken. Once you get into a routine you will see the benefit of just bringing/packing your lunch over the…
  • but who am i to say anything, you are tiny already!
  • If doing that routine for 1-2 weeks isn't showing any improvement on scale or clothes, then I would suggest adding some weight training? OR switching out that cereal for eggwhites
  • Single and the happiest I'd ever been!
  • I don't really eat carbs and I eat a lot of proteins and vegetables and snack
  • My starting weight was 168 ish and I am 5'3 and I was about a size 9-11? Though 125 is a great goal, it helps to be realistic as to not fail. My goal was just to lose weight and wanted to get to 130. I got down to 135 and only was able to maintain that for about a week. I started going to the gym in Jan and since then I…
  • I have the Droid X. I love it. But it also has given me a lot of problems. I had to replace it 3 times before settling on one that wasn't all funky all the time.
  • My sentiments exactly!!! What am I? Chopped liver? This is the first i've heard of any flirting from this site. Man.. /crawling back in my hole
  • No I am not free feeding. I usually do 1/4 cup of dry food and sometimes add green beans to it
  • I didn't think he was overweight. But when I took him to the vet, she (the doctor) said he was on the side of slightly overweight. Also, he has joint problems, so I want to maintain his weight as to not add extra pressure to his knees
  • I love short hair and have had short hair for a very long time. That's a good look and it's always cute. I usually have an angled bob or asymmetrical cut.
  • O yeah. well I certainly ate a lot. lol. a couple of sandwiches, Popsicle, cookie, taco, i am adding the food now into my diary. BUT - thank you everyone!
  • Got the picture to work. yeah i realize that 5k is baby steps. I want to tackle a half marathon in the future. Really exhilarating and getting into running now. Its just really nice to be able to do something healthy and not feel like death afterwards.
  • What are you doing to lose? You'd be surprised how easy the 5 lbs will fall off with dedication! My friend wanted to lose 5 lbs before a wedding she has in a week. This is her 2nd week in and I think she is already down 3. You just got to really want it and it will be easy. good luck
  • LOL isn't it??? Oh man even my friends who don't diet love it
  • I got one in 4 hours and I am nervous! I am going to eat a banana and have one of those ready to drink protein carb advantage shakes
  • I drink Vodka and Soda with a lot of limes OR i get crystal light packets (the cranberry or fruit punch flavored ones) and mix with my vodka and water and thats good they also have margarita flavored packets you can add to tequila and water and lime its actually good or fresca and wine makes a good sangria I am definitely…
  • I am at 1200 cals myself. I work out about 3-4 times a week but only burn about 200-300 when I work out so I am not doing anything crazy. I have been losing SO MUCH SLOWER than normal. Since last month I am down 4lbs. When I did weight watchers a year ago, I was losing 3 lbs a week - so this is definitely slow for me. But…
  • I did a quick search 1 large carrot, julienned 1 yellow bell pepper, julienned 1 can water chestnuts, diced 2 scallions, finely chopped pinch of red chili flakes 1/2 tsp each- minced garlic, ginger, lemon grass (I used a bottled paste of each of these, otherwise, sauté these together until garlic is cooked), sesame oil…
  • have you thought of just finely choppin up carrots and lettuce?
  • People tell me all the time to cut out artificial sweeteners and I know they are "bad" for me. But I feel like they aren't as bad as the batch of cookies or candy I would rather be having. I am not strict all the time. Just the other day I bought some 100 calorie popcorn and some rice cakes Those things get stored in my…
  • everyone has something to say about everyone else just do what works for you whenever I tell people I dont eat carbs they look at me and say "oh noo I could never do that" awesome, well just telling you what *I* do I have tried the "balanced" dieting and I don't lose any weight. Just gotta do what works for YOU and YOUR…
  • I have been low carb for a few years now. But I still eat fruits and nuts and dairy so I am not sure how restrictive your diet is but kudos to you for working through it. Sometimes to get over my humps I do mini goals. So instead of saying ok im cutting out bread or cutting out this or that, i say ok for 2 weeks straight…
  • I agree with Erik. You can workout all you want but those muscles are going to be laying underneath all that fat. Nutrition is key. I don't even really focus on crunches. Cardio + Strength training and plain ol chicken and veggies
  • I thought I needed to lose more and at my current weight I am happy. I am at 138lbs. But for my height - all the charts and articles suggest I be more around 115-120. Screw that! I am healthy, I am fit and I look good. So if 100 lbs is what it takes for you to feel/look good then so be it. But often times I find that I end…
  • I love love It gives great articles on nutrition and training, with examples and videos of training and different routines.
  • Definitely add almonds/nuts. I never have a problem meeting my 1200 calorie diet. Are you eating 3 meals and 2-3 snacks a day?
  • I got some Brooks shoes and ran and FELT NO PAIN whatsoever. Kind of incredible. Going to try to completely my 5k thurs and I have taken 2 days off before. Thanks for all your suggestions I hope this corrects my problem
  • Great job! flat belly! very motivating
  • I have calculated my calorie intake - etc all that stuff and I have been recommended to eat around 1600-1700 with working out 3x-4x a week It is trial and error and sometimes can get quite frustrating. I tried eating 1400 calories a day with my workouts. Was not gaining or losing anything. It wasn't until I cut my calories…