Android vs. Iphone?

brattyworm Posts: 2,137 Member
So as it was pointed out to me yestereday I have a smart car, but not a smart phone.... I have been thinking of upgrading soon, so now comes the question Android or Iphone? Blackberry isn't in the running sorry.

I have friends with both so i have their opinions, but they're die hard either way... die hard apple, or die hard anti apple.

So whats your opinion?

update - my plans for using it... i am a texter, facebooker - to include many photo postings and *gasp* farmville lol , and I'm a social media stalker...
I email a lot and would like decent document capapbilities, as I am a student... an engineer one if it helps.


  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    Android! I've had mine now for nearly 2 years and wouldn't switch. I haven't had an iPhone but my son has. He switched to the new HTC Evo 3D with Android recently and loves it.
  • cpratt55
    cpratt55 Posts: 17 Member
    I love my Android!!!!
  • TonjaWL
    TonjaWL Posts: 9 Member
    Android all the way!
  • jcarmel
    jcarmel Posts: 30
    I have one of each lol....I love my iphone because it doesn't screw up the way my android does, but I love my android for the app market and for the live backgrounds. I don't think I could go without either one of them!
  • miclavd
    miclavd Posts: 15
  • Atlantique
    Atlantique Posts: 2,484 Member
    It depends on how you use your phone. The Android is not a fantastic music player, but that doesn't bother me as I don't use it as an mp3 player. Android is great at multi-tasking and customizing, has a wide variety of handsets and I adore my Android phone.

    When I bought my phone, iPhone wasn't in the running because it was only on AT&T (30% dropped call rate typical in my primary usage area-no thanks) and because I wanted a physical keyboard. I doubt I'll switch from Android when I need to replace this phone at the end of the year.
  • Nomomush
    Nomomush Posts: 582 Member
    I've had both an Iphone and an android phone. I went back to the Iphone and still love it.
  • JessieEstes84
    I switched from the iPhone to the Samsung Captivate. I absolutely LOVE the android platform.
  • olag00
    olag00 Posts: 222
  • BlueEyedMomma88
    BlueEyedMomma88 Posts: 558 Member
    Deff. an Android!! :smile:
  • mkingraham
    mkingraham Posts: 445 Member
    I have had both, and honestly it just depends on what you plan on doing on your phone. Android use to not have as many apps but that is greatly improving. I currently have the motorola droid that has the querty keyboard which is something I really like because of text msging, but I think they are moving away from any keyboard at all. So if that's the case then I think I would go with the iPhone because I love apple.

    If you plan on doing a lot of craziness with viewing documents and all that stuff I think the iPhone is smoother and better for that kind of thing, but I am just a basic user and I don't have a strong opnion either way! Happy phone hunting!
  • tommys
    tommys Posts: 61
    I love the iPhone and its functionality I however have never used an Android! Everyone that I know that has an iPhone will never go back to anything else! Good Luck my friend!
  • Jenscan
    Jenscan Posts: 694 Member
    That depends. If you're someone who likes to fiddle with their phone, get an Android. iPhones are locked down as to what you can do with them, but Androids are a lot more flexible with the UI's.

    I'm sold on Android. LOVE it.
  • Jw9576
    Jw9576 Posts: 29 Member
    Android. Most of the apps are FREE whereas iphone usually charges .99 cents or more....
    My hubby has iphone, I have Android and most of the apps he has, I got for free.
  • Bigtunatina
    I have the Droid X.

    I love it. But it also has given me a lot of problems. I had to replace it 3 times before settling on one that wasn't all funky all the time.
  • cjjones007
    cjjones007 Posts: 602
    Have to support the Android as well
    I have Verizon and the HTC Thunderbolt - have had several "friends" who had iPhones, play with my phone, and wind up with an Android within a few weeks...
    LOVE IT!
  • brattyworm
    brattyworm Posts: 2,137 Member
    I'm a texter, facebooker and social media stalker... lol... but yes it would be great if it did document viewing as well as i am also a student and intern.

    seems like so far both have pros and cons.
  • outersoul
    outersoul Posts: 711
    I'd say at this point it's almost a toss up. I'm a mod on an iphone forum (my secret geekiness) and Androids have come a long way. I have an iPhone and I wouldn't trade it for the world but I've used Android phones in the past and they are pretty nice too.

    Both phones will do pretty much the same thing whether you're an average end user or a power user that's jailbreaking or rooting, so software is not an issue so much. Believe it or not you can run Android on an iPhone.

    For me it comes down to hardware. I'd decide what I need hardware wise such as processor speed, memory, camera mega pixels, on screen keyboard or physical keyboard, etc.
  • reyna99
    reyna99 Posts: 489 Member
    most def droid! I love the MFP app on the droid you can scan in a product, I hear that you can't do that on an IPhone.
  • gothicprophet
    Personally, I'm a fan of Android. Yes, I have one, no I've never owned an iPhone (but I have tested out a few friends and models in AT&T stores) and yes I'm not really much of an Apple fan.

    That being said, let me say something about my Android phone. I hate the phone it's self, but I love the operating system. Sadly, this is often the price an early adopter can pay. I upgraded my phone to AT&T's first Android offering (Motorola Backflip) which came with an already out-dated version of Android. When the upgrade to 2.1 finally became available, I immediately performed the necessary steps to upgrade it and opened up the world of free turn-by-turn navigation, and a whole slew of apps that weren't available for version 1.5.

    However, recently my phone (and I suspect it's a hardware issue since it's not effecting my wife's Backflip) has started having issues with things like opening my contact list to make a phone call (and I've always had memory issues so memorizing phone #s is incredibly difficult for me), displaying my call logs, etc. Texting was even an issue for me until I got a 3rd party texting app. Also, some other issues with my Backflip is I can't select to install apps from "Unknown Sources" which means I can ONLY get market apps, and I can't get rid of the AT&T bloat-ware (AT&T Navigator, Where?, etc.) and so I have to keep a very, very close eye on just which apps actually make the cut.

    Unfortunately, due to the hardware of my phone there's some other features of Android 2.1+ I'm missing out on; pinch-to-zoom and App2SD and Angry Birds are the most notable. Hoping I can upgrade mine again soon. The only reason I haven't switched away from AT&T (and likely gotten a much newer, faster, and smarter Android phone) is because we're planning to switch our Internet and TV over to U-Verse (superior pricing, speeds and channel line-up to our current provider and we can bundle the cellphone into it). If any other TV/Internet provider could offer me Fiber Optic in this area, I'd probably jump on it and bail on AT&T completely.