Android vs. Iphone?



  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    I have a android phone, a Xoom tablet, an ipad 1 and a nook. Android all the way.
    The ipad seems to be clunky after using the other devices. I use MPF, good docs and ever-note mostly. I haven't paid for any apps on any device yet. For music, I use pandora or tune in radio more than mp3s on the device, so I'm fine there.

    A few people mentioned how you are going to use it. That is pretty much the big question.
  • TheGoktor
    TheGoktor Posts: 1,138 Member
    I have an iPhone (never used a 'droid), and I love it, especially as I can use it for training Apps and have my playlists going at the same time. It also means I don't have to have a separate iPod/MP3 player, which is a big plus for me.
  • Sauchie
    Sauchie Posts: 357 Member
    I am an android fan. I love apple most of my pcs are & were Apple. But I have recently learned that you can jailbreak the verizon wireless I phone. I seen it on twitter (well my ex jailbroke his friends v iphone).. So you can pretty much get either and they will do what you need...
  • outersoul
    outersoul Posts: 711
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    I have both the iPhone 4 and Droid Charge. The Charge is by far my favorite. I love the Android platform, 4G capability, and the ability to tweak and upgrade the phone however I want. Great stuff.

    I also have an Android tablet that is equally awesome.
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    ANDROID. Hands down. :D
  • Umeboshi
    Umeboshi Posts: 1,637 Member
    Android. And I'm a mac fan. :P
  • anthony438
    anthony438 Posts: 578 Member
    RAWR - iPhone!!!
  • Saruman_w
    Saruman_w Posts: 1,531 Member
    Definitely Android
  • gothicprophet
    I have an iPhone (never used a 'droid), and I love it, especially as I can use it for training Apps and have my playlists going at the same time. It also means I don't have to have a separate iPod/MP3 player, which is a big plus for me.

    Android doesn't need a separate iPod/MP3 player. It's got a stock music player that's decent, though not great (it's what I currently use), and there are numerous 3rd party apps that can take over that function and do just fine.
    Android, Windows Mobile, and even Blackberry are expecting updates soon; and the website is going to be getting some as well. If my Facebook wasn't being a PITA (non-eatable kind) then I'd have the link to where I saw that...

    *EDIT: Ah ha! Found where I saw that little gem posted. It's on the MyFitnessPal Facebook page. :D!/myfitnesspal
  • gothicprophet
    (duplicate, please delete)
  • dawnrenee567
    dawnrenee567 Posts: 292 Member
    I adore my iphone. My last 'droid' died a long slow death and AT&T was having a fab sale on the iphones and I picked it up. The smoothest functioning phone I've ever had.
    I <3 my itunes available for my workouts, all the apps, and really never thought I'd be an 'iphone' girl, but after a few days, I'd never have another.
  • dodd319
    dodd319 Posts: 228
    I've never used the iPhone but I LOVE LOVE LOVE my Evo Shift Android! I'm a definite facebooker, emailer, picture sender, and App LOVER! For MFP, you can scan your food in and unable to do that with the iPhone! It saves a TON of time (granted it scans the correct food -- I've used the app for almost 2 months and it scans correctly about 95% of the time).
  • ilookthetype
    ilookthetype Posts: 3,021 Member

    Yup! I love my iPhone. I'm also an all-around Apple girl. But Its fantastic. I have no problems with it and I use it constantly without any problems.
  • dawnrenee567
    dawnrenee567 Posts: 292 Member
    I've never used the iPhone but I LOVE LOVE LOVE my Evo Shift Android! I'm a definite facebooker, emailer, picture sender, and App LOVER! For MFP, you can scan your food in and unable to do that with the iPhone! It saves a TON of time (granted it scans the correct food -- I've used the app for almost 2 months and it scans correctly about 95% of the time).

    Actually they just updated the app and you can scan your food now
  • RozeGod
    RozeGod Posts: 118
    I use a Verizon Mobile Optimus V Smartphone- no contract and I pay just $25 a month for unlimited internet and texting. I never use all of my minutes and have everything I need. It also takes awesome photos, movies and I have the MFP app installed on it!!
  • sunyg
    sunyg Posts: 229
    I have the Incredible 2 and my husband has an Incredible 1 and an iphone for work. His iphone doesn't compare to the Incredible at all. I had wanted and iphone until I got this one.
  • i_love_vinegar
    i_love_vinegar Posts: 2,092 Member
    ive never used an android, but iphones are so cool, how could you not choose it? xD

    i dont have an iphone, but most ppl at my school have them and i used to steal my ex's iphone all the time. :D
  • jljc_2010
    jljc_2010 Posts: 137 Member
    HTC Evo 4G ANDROID all the way...
    Love it!
  • Froggy1976
    Froggy1976 Posts: 472
    So as it was pointed out to me yestereday I have a smart car, but not a smart phone.... I have been thinking of upgrading soon, so now comes the question Android or Iphone? Blackberry isn't in the running sorry.

    I have friends with both so i have their opinions, but they're die hard either way... die hard apple, or die hard anti apple.

    So whats your opinion?

    update - my plans for using it... i am a texter, facebooker - to include many photo postings and *gasp* farmville lol , and I'm a social media stalker...
    I email a lot and would like decent document capapbilities, as I am a student... an engineer one if it helps.
    I had an iPhone and switched to Android. Android has the document capabilities you are talking about. I never did find a suitable app on the iPhone for viewing microsoft products. iPhone and Android are both really cool phones and can do a lot of things but I don't think I will go back to the iPhone. I have a Samsung Captivate I love my Droid.