Calories to eat?

Okay, so MFP says I need to eat 2150 calories a day. So if I gain 600 calories from exercise then I need to eat 2750 calories in a day to lose weight?


  • skinnyjeans13
    skinnyjeans13 Posts: 179
    Yup, as MFP already calculates the necessary deficit. Your net calories should be as close to 2150 as possible.
  • MrsSorenson
    MrsSorenson Posts: 450 Member
    :smile: Go with it , it works, and this is a very common question. Good Luck!
  • Bigtunatina
    Bigtunatina Posts: 44
    I have calculated my calorie intake - etc all that stuff and I have been recommended to eat around 1600-1700 with working out 3x-4x a week

    It is trial and error and sometimes can get quite frustrating. I tried eating 1400 calories a day with my workouts. Was not gaining or losing anything.

    It wasn't until I cut my calories down to 1200 that i noticed any weight loss.

    You may have to trial and error at different caloric intakes before you find what works best for your body
  • JakeLX
    JakeLX Posts: 8
    Thanks everyone! I was reading different post and was getting more and more confused. So today I burned like 668 calories, so I still only need to strive for 2150?