Many times when I tell people I need to lose weight they always say but you're not fat, you're curvy!!! To me theres a fine line between the two. Curvy to me sounds like someone telling you, you have some extra weight on you but it doesn't look that bad. Any thoughts on this??? My measurements are 36-28-38... is this fat…
Hey everyone. The past three weeks I have started to build up my cardio endurance by running. However, on some days the side stitches/ cramping is so bad I can't stand up straight or even breathe it seems, so I have to stop. I am not dehydrated at all, I drink plenty of fluids and I also have a healthy diet, plenty of…
Hey everyone! Sooo I'm wondering your thoughts on this.... Why is it that when you weigh yourself expecting a loss and its the same number or more, our minds switch to, "screw it! What's the unhealthiest thing I can eat right now!" Instead of, "ok time to buckle down and work harder". So frustrated right now! Last week I…
Hey everyone! I am new to this site although my weight loss journey started a little while ago. I graduated college and decided I was tired looking in my closet thinking, when I lose weight this will look awesome! So I lost 12 pounds, and felt pretty good but never reached my goal of 20. Of course now after the holidays I…