I'm a newbie!! 24/F

Hey everyone! I am new to this site although my weight loss journey started a little while ago. I graduated college and decided I was tired looking in my closet thinking, when I lose weight this will look awesome! So I lost 12 pounds, and felt pretty good but never reached my goal of 20. Of course now after the holidays I put a few back on and need to refocus! I am trying to motivate myself because I plan on running the Atlantic City half marathon with a good friend in October! Happy that this website was recommended to me!!!


    Welcome aboard!! I have not been on this site long but I have to tell you it is great. I have received great advice from so many people, not only do I hold myself accountable but MFP hold me accountable as well. Feel free to add me as a friend:smile:
  • WhitneyW78
    WhitneyW78 Posts: 186 Member
    Welcome to MFP! You came to the right place!
  • KanCrav
    KanCrav Posts: 439 Member
    Thats awesome!~!... I have met alot of people on here that run or that use running as a goal. (I have not yet been able to run ANYTHING, but its still a goal!~!)

    Congrats on loosing the first 12!~!, I hope me and other ppl here can help support you with the rest! Ive been trying for 3 years to loose SOMETHING, I just started again a few weeks ago.... so I can use your support and encouragement also!~!

  • kkyishkkii

    You like many others here (including me) appear to have a long-distance run as a goal a little-way down the line. There are loads of good threads here with advice on training etc.

    Hope all goes according to plan for you
  • lmanzi219
    lmanzi219 Posts: 32 Member
    If anyone has any advice on training for a half-marathon, or a full one for that matter, I would love to hear from you!