I thought this was interesting, http://thediabetessummit.com/ I'm still checking out some of the speakers, but I am already familiar with some. There is a free option. Edited to add: I am pleasantly surprised at the number of LC speakers on the list.
My husband and I are new to this WOE. We are just about a month in. He is getting much better control of his insulin (T1 and I am working on weight loss). We've been avoiding eating out (mainly bun less burgers when we do). Today we visited our favorite Mexican restaurant. Yum!!!! Great choices.
My husband and I have decided to follow a Ketogenic WOE. He is a Type I Diabetic and has a question about exercise. As a cyclist, he spends 1-2 hours on his bike during a workout. He generally turns his insulin pump off and then still must rely on Gatorade gel packs or gummies to keep his blood sugar from dipping too low.…
Hello all! I have been an active MFP member since January of this year and am 15 weeks pregnant today. After losing 56 lbs (about 1/3 of my goal), I am just looking to maintain my current weight throughout this pregnancy. I need to keep monitoring my diet because of GD, but I've found that I am losing my motivation since…
My new way of living has been going well. I expect to hit the 25 lb down mark this week. But this morning was a doozie. My week has been rough. My cousin is in trouble . . . again. My grandfather was in the hospital with leg swelling because of his kidneys . . . again. My mother is having a lumpectomy and getting ready to…