I stumbled upon this link... Not sure how but it intrigued me into reading it. So I know the flue shot doesn't work and thats why I never take it and I also know from reading this article that pop tarts have immunity boosting properties!!! I also know that the BRO-SCIENCE of naturopaths are just a money making scam!…
Ok so I can get 50% off everything in GNC now that a friend of mine is in management position at a store. MY question is obvsiously its going to save me money even though all I take are whey isolate, multi, greens and fish oil. Is this savings worth the quality? I have used GNC in the past and found them good quality but…
http://paleomg.com/the-controversia-world-of-eating-paleo/ More people need to read more blogs like this. I eat healthy 70-80% of the time I don't really try to get aim for a certain amount of carbs, proteins or fats I aim to satisfy my mental state of what makes me feel good mentally… sometimes this doesn't translate to a…