The hangry's!

KBSwinger Posts: 160 Member
edited January 15 in Food and Nutrition

More people need to read more blogs like this. I eat healthy 70-80% of the time I don't really try to get aim for a certain amount of carbs, proteins or fats I aim to satisfy my mental state of what makes me feel good mentally… sometimes this doesn't translate to a physical goodness but non the less everything starts in the head so if it makes me happy then its all good.

Its sad to see people bashing each other out because of this paleo vs non paleo, low carb vs high carb and high protein diets. I think the bigger picture here is missing and thats who gives the **** what a person eats or doesn't eat or their beliefs when it comes to food because really the way we eat is pretty much what we believe in when it comes to food as really there are no bad foods. Some days it seems all I eat is fruit, some days a lot of whey and some days I feel like crap and just eat crap whats it to the next person? The reason I am sharing this is as I was a health food store today the cashier was advocating a very low carb diet for a very large woman… And saying thats 100% the way to go! We all have to find out balance in what we eat to make life easier for ourselves and not be slaves to modern dogma of paleo or any other plan out there thats really all just a hoax to get people aroused by thinking its the only way to do things.

It seems as though the forums here are a battle ground of whos right or who's wrong and that makes me sad because neither are right or wrong! This is real life and life is meant to be lived fearlessly not dreadfully because you go into a Tim Hortons and theres nothing for you to eat because its not paleo friendly or low carb friendly. Just freaking eat!
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