Does anyone know how many calories are burned doing the 30 day shred? The level one workout runs about 25-27 minutes long. I was not sure how to put it into my exercise log either. I had read one post that said to put it in as general circuit training.
Hey. I am new to this and I was wanting to see when the best times to weigh were and how many times a week I should weigh. I have been weighing everyday and I get discouraged because one day its down a little and the next its up. Any suggestions?
Hey. I have been restricting my calories and doing strength and cardio for about 3 weeks now and I have not lost any weight. I have actually gained 3 pounds. I don't know what I am doing wrong. I need a little motivation or tips from anyone who is willing to offer them. I have started baking my foods instead of frying…
Hi. I am new to dieting and to the MyFitnessPal website. I have never tried to diet a day in my life and I have never had a problem with my weight until I had my two children. I have always been one of those people that want to lose weight since having my children and complain about gaining weight and how I look. I am…