
Hi. I am new to dieting and to the MyFitnessPal website. I have never tried to diet a day in my life and I have never had a problem with my weight until I had my two children. I have always been one of those people that want to lose weight since having my children and complain about gaining weight and how I look. I am trying to change that. I realize that I am the one who has control and I can lose weight. No more moping around and wishing for me. I am ready to take charge!


  • northwildcats
    I am new to the site and one that talks often about weight lose, but never move my body or eat right. I understand the strength of a support group and I am hoping that I will meet some new friends on this site to support me on this journey. I am married and my husband and I eat out often. Getting stared is has been hard for me. I would love to have new friends on this site and I hope that you will add me a friend.

  • northwildcats
    hello ericka,

    welcome and I look forward to supporting your progress on your goal.
  • BobL436
    BobL436 Posts: 43 Member
    Welcome to the site. I'm also new here, and I have to say, there's a lot of support and tools for us here! Good luck :smile: :smile: