I need some serious motivation to get me exercising
I started losing weight about 9 months ago after talking to my doctor about wanting to. I got motivated to lose the weight since my doctor was expecting me to have lost weight the next time I went in. That's not the case anymore but it kicked me into gear and now I'm in the habbit of watching what I eat. Up until now I…
What can I do to stop this vicious cycle, (kinda long)
Just so ya know, this is about food and it's control over my life, if this doesn't interest you I completly understand if you move on to other posts. If you also have problems with food, or even some amazingly helpful suggestions, I would be completly grateful for the support and help that I desperately need. I've started…
I've been having so much trouble
I've been so down about my weight loss for the last couple of weeks since my weight hasn't gone down but up, just a few pounds. I've finally decided today to get back on track. It's my food that gets me the most, I stay under my calorie goal of 1610 all day, with relatively healthy foods, and at the end of the night I end…
30 day shred...omg
I didn't even make it through the first 20 minute workout, at one point I just stayed on the floor feeling like I was gonna die. I'm not gonna give up on it, but I didn't think I was that out of shape. I couldn't even handle 30 seconds of jumping jacks and I feel exhausted :yawn: but it's gonna be worth it in the end. I'm…
I have finally given up my daily mocha :)
So for the last 6 months, every day at 2:00, I would get a 16 oz skinny-hazelnut-mocha with sugarfree syrup and regular chocolate from a local coffee drive thru that I could not give up. It counted for 185 of my daily calories that I was just drinking away. So yesterday when I went through I ordered a Earl Grey tea insead…
Starvation mode, how quickly does it start?
I weight myself every morning and every night, I know most don't approve but the daily change in my weight doesn't bother me, weighting every day helps me stay on track. On Sunday I woke up at noon and had three scrambled eggs. After that I went out with my family and was digging with a shovel for about an hour and a half.…
Looking for a calorie monitor without a monthly subscritpion
I know the bodybugg or other armband type monitors are great, but I don't really want to dish out over 200 dollars (I would have to have the digital display to go with it) if the thing is going to be completely useless without the monthly subscription. I am definetly entertaining the thought of getting the bodybugg, but if…
Suggestions for a good breakfast.
I've recently decided to start actually eating breakfast, I typically don't have time before work, but I've decided to try and get up at least 30 min. eariler than usual to see if it has any affect on my day. I already have a hard time getting up in the mornings but I want to try (if I need to be up by 7:30, my alarm clock…
And the pain is gone!!!
So I've had a herniated disc since I've been about 20 (curently 26). This causes me leg pain if I stand for to long at a time, and recently I've been having limited mobility in the same leg, to avoid excruciating pain. Sadly enough I would get the most pain when tying to sit on the toilet (something about that movement did…
Am I getting enough calories?
I'm a teacher at three different sites, one high school and two colleges. Because of this I bring my lunch and supper, typically a frozen dinner (Healthy Choice or Smart Ones) a cup of fruit and some Triscuit crackers and cheese. With my meals set up the way they are I usually have under 1300 calories a day (I'm not…