I need some serious motivation to get me exercising

ziggygirl2003 Posts: 33 Member
edited October 3 in Health and Weight Loss
I started losing weight about 9 months ago after talking to my doctor about wanting to. I got motivated to lose the weight since my doctor was expecting me to have lost weight the next time I went in. That's not the case anymore but it kicked me into gear and now I'm in the habbit of watching what I eat. Up until now I haven't been exercising with my weight loss, since diet alone was enough. I know that will now always be the case, and I some point I will need to begin exercising to still see the weight loss I need. The problem is I'm afraid I'll need something to kick me into gear like with the doctor, and even though I'm still losing weight without the exercise, I would like to start sooner than later, to help my weight loss along. I have tried several times to begin exercising, I started walking, then stopped, I bought an exercise ball, never used it, I got exercise videos, only worked out twice, I got a gym membership, I never went and it ran out (in all fairness though I live in a small town and the gym wasn't very great). I'd like to start walking again, use my exercise ball, and use the videos, but I just can't make myself do it no matter how hard I try.

I need something to kick my butt into gear, what helped you to start exercising, or any suggesting you may have would be wonderful.


  • here;s an idea i find myself now parking away from the door at work so that gives me a few more miles to do to and from work, i also at the store park far away little things you will start to feel the difference
  • jlc1243
    jlc1243 Posts: 272 Member
    Knowing I could eat more helped at first(Haha) but now I don't always eat back my excerise calories now. Once you start logging that exercise and see what you've burned that's great motivation!
  • philOHIO
    philOHIO Posts: 520 Member
    You HAVE to make yourself do it... we can't do it for you. And if I knew how to motivate someone, my wife would be doing it with me instead of me going it alone (along with my MFP girls, who rock, btw)
  • katemateg
    katemateg Posts: 334 Member
    The people I admire are mainly all sports people. I'm a Brit and we had a brilliant woman called Jane Tomlinson who had cancer yet set herself so many mad challenges to raise money. I read her books and she was bonkers but inspiring. I don't aspire to be like any 'celebrity'. To me its not about being as skinny as can be but as healthy as I can be. I love exercise but I still need inspiration sometimes, so I read up on my fave athletes. In the news in the Uk at the moment is a 100 year old man who did a marathon in the US yesterday, he's pretty inspiring. And new kit! I love new kit. I also do the Jillian Michales dvd's, I love their abs!! Good luck!
  • ♥_Ellybean_♥
    ♥_Ellybean_♥ Posts: 1,646 Member
    Just start moving.. Find something you enjoy doing and do it.. biking, swimming whatever it is... once you see all the calories you burn and the weight melting off you will want to continue doing it.
  • rachelleahsmom
    rachelleahsmom Posts: 442 Member
    Are you competitive? If you are, there are lots of groups on here that seem to have exercise goals built in. Do you need to be held accountable? I do! Here's your challenge - I bet I can get more exercise in this week than you can. Try to beat me.:smile: I did 50 minutes today and still have some more to do for a challenge group that I am in.

    If you aren't motivated by competition etc., how about making a deal with yourself that today you have to do 5 minutes, tomorrow 10 minutes, etc. I usually find that once I get started I might as well keep going.

    Other things - take the stairs, park far away, do squats while you are on the phone, clean the bathtub with big reaching strokes. You get the idea. good luck to you!
  • blondz
    blondz Posts: 7
    I use different things for motivation. Right now I have pictures of bikini's on my cell phone. I want to get in one by my birthday (July). Also if you have a trip planned, that could be motivation as well. Even use the weight loss as an excuse to go shopping :-)
  • Bonita_Lynne_58
    Bonita_Lynne_58 Posts: 2,794 Member
    Ok one Kick to backside coming up!:smile: I have trouble staying motivated to exercise also. But if you lose weight without exercise you won't look near as good. Exercise tones the body. Cardio helps our hearts and lungs! Strength training tones and strengthens us so we look and feel better. Muscles become stronger and support joints making us less likely to injure ourselves.

    Just start slow. And like me, you may actually have to force yourself to get up and get the exercise in. I've been very sedentary and have never been athletic, but when I exercise I feel better emotionally and physically. Good luck!
  • bereal75
    bereal75 Posts: 17 Member
    When I started exercising I got tired very fast. After 15 min. on the elliptical I was only a bunch of crap. After 4 months of exercise it takes a brisk run of 45 min. at 7.5 miles per hour to exhaust me. Once you reach a certain level everything you do during a day will be a piece of cake.
    Running one mile to the station to get the train : easy, a little sweat on the forefront
    leaping up 4 stories : easy (simply take one deep breath and you will be back in business
    tying your shoes : was that really a problem? :-)
    unloading the dishwasher : peeehhh
    carrying drinks for a week to the car: cool, let's drop biceps training for today...

    can be continued ....
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