any one out there doin hmr??? my mom did it and lost 100 lbs! so i want to give it a try i went to the gym to day..juss to find out some info and get some quotes..the guy was trying to pressure me into buying a packet hat day...way to eager! ugggh! im planning on going cold turkey and really start Jan.10.2011... its a very…
I wish I did! But my friend told me about this new show called "I used to be fat" and this one lady on there lost 90lbs! In 4 months and a lot Of people always say its impossible I wanna do it in six! She did it in four This proved alotta people wrong that told me that....
ok so alotta people tell me "thank god your tall you would never knew u weigh that much!" ok so thats no the point i do weigh that much and its killing me inside and out! i have o lose this weight if u look at my full body pics i mite not look like that weight but its true.......i hat my body shape im big at the top (big…
this is what i fear.the mom told me not to worry because im young (20 yrs) but there will be there any one that lost 120-150 lbs and didnt have a skin issue? thanks:smile: