FLABBY...LOosE SKIN aftER a HUIGE amount of weight lost!!!!!

mzlaloca Posts: 19 Member
edited September 22 in Fitness and Exercise
this is what i fear.the skin....my mom told me not to worry because im young (20 yrs)
but there will be skin...is there any one that lost 120-150 lbs and didnt have a skin issue? thanks:smile:


  • You have to lose weight slowly, people with a ton of weight to lose neglect this fact and think they can just lose a large sum of it in a short amount of time. It's not the way to go. Aim for 1 lb. of fat lost a week, and you'll look better by the time you reach your goal.
  • JaydeSkye
    JaydeSkye Posts: 282 Member
    After I had my 2nd baby I lost 80lbs, I did it within about a years time. I have pictures in my blog. My skin DID go back and get tight. Drink a lot of water and take care of your body. I've seen/heard many people say that you can't get your skin tight again, etc. but, in my personal experience, I did it. It does TAKE TIME though, as stated above. I also noticed that the skin got tighter after I lost ALL the fat, so don't be discouraged and don't stress in the middle.. when you reach your goals you will most likely see better results! Goodluck!
  • mzlaloca
    mzlaloca Posts: 19 Member
    After I had my 2nd baby I lost 80lbs, I did it within about a years time. I have pictures in my blog. My skin DID go back and get tight. Drink a lot of water and take care of your body. I've seen/heard many people say that you can't get your skin tight again, etc. but, in my personal experience, I did it. It does TAKE TIME though, as stated above. I also noticed that the skin got tighter after I lost ALL the fat, so don't be discouraged and don't stress in the middle.. when you reach your goals you will most likely see better results! Goodluck!

    i was so afraid i was lookin up how much for a tummy tuck! this gives me hope...thanks!
  • mariapuhl
    mariapuhl Posts: 529 Member
    I've been wondering about this a little... I've had a roll at my belly for forever.... I mean, for at least 7 years, since I was about 13 or so. I'm 20 now. Right now I've lost 28 lbs, and want to lose about 22 more (I'd be at 173 then, I'm 5' 10", and really I want to be at 180, the 7 extra lbs is for cushion and so i can say i lost 50).... but anyway.... I know I'm young, I'm 20, but I'm worried that I've had this roll so long that there's no way the skin will ever go back to "normal", since it's been that way for a third of my life.

    So will that ever go away? Right now it's mostly skin, not much fat left in it. It has gotten a ton smaller, but still is a roll....
  • mzlaloca
    mzlaloca Posts: 19 Member
    You have to lose weight slowly, people with a ton of weight to lose neglect this fact and think they can just lose a large sum of it in a short amount of time. It's not the way to go. Aim for 1 lb. of fat lost a week, and you'll look better by the time you reach your goal.

  • life1979_24
    life1979_24 Posts: 147 Member
    i am extreamlly scared of the extra skin. my best friend had it when she lost a lot and was so upset she gained back just to feel normal. thats why im on here so i can make sure it comes off slowly and healthy
  • bevdc
    bevdc Posts: 18
    I've lost 150+ pounds and have excessive loose skin on upper legs and arms. I have the "apron flap" on my stomach. It looks AWFUL! It's taken me two years and two months to loose this much weight. I averaged 1.5-2.5 pounds a week after the intial water weight loss. I do alot of walking/running with 5 pound weights so my arms and legs are "get by, ok" for my age (56).
    I have been under a doctors care the whole time due to my diabetics, and he says It needs to be it fixed, but United Health Care considers it cosmetic. He thinks a surgeon can probably have it covered if we take pictures of the chaffing and irritation that comes from the flap rubbing where no air can get to it. Also my belly button has completely gone because of the loose skin. I have to open it apart to keep it from smelling and chaffing! Having said all that, my conclusion is this: I feel better, Look Better, and even if I can never afford the surgery, as long as I can keep buying girdles and spanx to hold it up, I'm happy.
    Good Luck and don't worry! Everyone is different and your still helping yourself and your health by loosing weight!:smile:
  • Make sure that when you are losing the weight that you take it slow and do toning exercise like lifting light weights...if you do this you should not have a problem....also for special areas there are target exercise you can use...such as the pouch that women sometimes get after losing weight.....try doing the Plank..(this is an exercise)...get in the push up position then try to hold for up to a count of 30 this will tone and tighten the overall abdominal area....

    The key is take it slow and exercise as you go along....;-)
  • dlcam61
    dlcam61 Posts: 228 Member
    Depends on the amount of stretch marks that have already damaged your skin. The stretchy collagen fibers of your skin become separated and torn apart as skin stretches beyond it's capacity. This is where you get the tears, or stretch marks. These fibers cannot reconnect on their own and can't just be fixed by slow dieting & lots of water. But the more you maintain your hydration the better your skin will look and feel. And no amount of lotion will fix the damage, unless it has retin A. Even that isn't full proof. If you really want to get the facts ask a dermatologist or a plastic surgeon. Hope this helps :) Best of luck on your weight loss success! :flowerforyou:
  • mzlaloca
    mzlaloca Posts: 19 Member
    i am extreamlly scared of the extra skin. my best friend had it when she lost a lot and was so upset she gained back just to feel normal. thats why im on here so i can make sure it comes off slowly and healthy

    i went to the gym today..he said as long as ur toneing and gaingin mucsle and drinking alot! of water it should reduce

    but i scared girl uggh!
  • mzlaloca
    mzlaloca Posts: 19 Member
    I've lost 150+ pounds and have excessive loose skin on upper legs and arms. I have the "apron flap" on my stomach. It looks AWFUL! It's taken me two years and two months to loose this much weight. I averaged 1.5-2.5 pounds a week after the intial water weight loss. I do alot of walking/running with 5 pound weights so my arms and legs are "get by, ok" for my age (56).
    I have been under a doctors care the whole time due to my diabetics, and he says It needs to be it fixed, but United Health Care considers it cosmetic. He thinks a surgeon can probably have it covered if we take pictures of the chaffing and irritation that comes from the flap rubbing where no air can get to it. Also my belly button has completely gone because of the loose skin. I have to open it apart to keep it from smelling and chaffing! Having said all that, my conclusion is this: I feel better, Look Better, and even if I can never afford the surgery, as long as I can keep buying girdles and spanx to hold it up, I'm happy.
    Good Luck and don't worry! Everyone is different and your still helping yourself and your health by loosing weight!:smile:

    wow..thats amazing...
  • Ah....loose skin. I have some but it was never something I freaked out over. Loose skin depends on a lot of factors (how old you are, how long you've been obese, if you were a smoker & genetics)....it's a wait and see thing

    Focus on getting healthy. It's easier to hide extra skin than it is extra fat. If you can bear the loose skin there is always surgery or gaining back what you lost ;)
  • dancer77
    dancer77 Posts: 249 Member
    Well I think your age is definitely in your favor no matter what and def focus on toning as well as conditioning. I was thinking about that as well...I want to be skinny but not skinny fat. I have a couple friends that are super tiny but its all fat and I don't want that!
  • superstarcassie
    superstarcassie Posts: 296 Member
    Agreed with many of the people who have lost over 100 lbs. You will have loose skin. I have old stretch marks....they won't completely go away. My arms, inner thighs, stomach, and breasts already have loose skin.....it sucks, but it is SO MUCH BETTER than being morbidly obese. I was there. I still have around 60 lbs to go and with that comes more skin. Drinking extra water and toning does help....but I honestly don't think that it will all "spring" back. I would say just focus on weight loss and don't worry about the loose skin. That can be fixed later and healed with time.
  • bbygrl5
    bbygrl5 Posts: 964 Member
    After I had my 2nd baby I lost 80lbs, I did it within about a years time. I have pictures in my blog. My skin DID go back and get tight. Drink a lot of water and take care of your body. I've seen/heard many people say that you can't get your skin tight again, etc. but, in my personal experience, I did it. It does TAKE TIME though, as stated above. I also noticed that the skin got tighter after I lost ALL the fat, so don't be discouraged and don't stress in the middle.. when you reach your goals you will most likely see better results! Goodluck!

    Listen to examples like this. My skin has recovered quite nicely as well, but I've also taken 3 years to lose the 80lbs that I have so far. There are no guarantees, but I was finding it discouraging early on in my weight loss to hear so many stories from people about not recovering skin. You are very young and so long as you do this the right way, your skin has a good chance of recovering. :)
  • npryor100
    npryor100 Posts: 99 Member
    I've lost 50lbs so far and haven't had loose skin. Loosing the weight slowly as part of a lifestyle change helps and I've heard wait even as much as a year or two after your weight loss for the skin to spring back.

    Girl, we're young and we can do it! Focus on what you want to do with your increased health (keep up with your healthy friends, go hiking, etc.), not what you fear!
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