I often get a rush to open my bowels in the morning (most mornings in fact). This is usual. But every now and again I end up having to sit on the toilet for 30 minutes sometimes more. This morning I ended up being on for so long I was seriously late for work. How do you deal with this problem?
I live in Singapore so it's very hot and humid. Ever since I moved here I've been getting sore, swollen feet after walking. I put this down to the heat and it would subside in an hour or so. But the last few days my feet have not stopped burning. Walking is uncomfortable, I'm tottering about like an old woman. I get a…
I have recently move to a warm, tropical climate and am keen to ensure I keep my salt levels healthy. Should I consider salt pills? Or is there a good food you could recommend? I don't add much salt to food and anything that is naturally salty is so bad for me!