

  • Thailand isn't know for their healthy food but it's better than a lot of Asia. A lot of the street food is fried/battered whilst stuff in restaurants, if Thai, is cooked in oil (curry for example). And the also eat a lot of rice. Thailand is a tourist hotspot though and many places cater to western tastes, that will be…
  • Tell me about it! I work in event production. If I'm onsite I'll get two or three meals a day provided. When I was in the UK it was bad enough (McDonald's for breakfast, Tesco meal deals for lunch, lasagne for dinner). Now I'm in Asia I regularly get 3 rice based dishes a day, normally curry or with deep fried meat (no…
  • I work 9-6 so don't even get home until almost 7. We eat around 830-9 usually, depending on what we're cooking (when I say we I mean my SO really)
  • You can check out the nutritional info on their website here: and you can also use a tool on there to calculate what was in yours. :)
  • No I don't. I've got some funny looks but nothing else. If I did get confronted I'd probably say I was pregnant, but that only works as a woman. Now I'm in Asia most restaurants don't have their own restroom, they're nearly all public so it's not a problem.
  • Hello! Like the PP I am also called Sarah (good name!), I'm 22 and am a British expat living in Asia. Aged 21, in June 2012, I was referred to my gastroenterologist by non other than my gynaecologist as some but not all of my suffering was triggered by my periods, I put the rest down to the student diet! But apparently I…
  • Alcohol, especially beer, is my main trigger (and at 22, that sucks big time). Flying doesn't help either. I also get problems from dairy and wheat (not all the time, it's unpredictable). I never did a food diary but it was a relief when I discovered my triggers, I still eat and drink (I try to stick to wine though) what I…
  • That comes to mind? Asian pears.
  • Bananas keep me going during the morning. Before MFP I never ate breakfast so trying to persuade my body to eat something is hard work.
  • Everything in moderation! MFP is a calorie counter, if you eat a bit of chocolate that's fine so long as you stay under suggest calorie intake for the day. You can always do more exercise to boost it up, or cut down on other things. Make sure to eat a healthy diet though!
  • I know how frustrating it is. I've had this problem for years even when I was a child. My body shape means I will never have a gap there (I too was a size 8 once, now a 12). I have HUGE thighs, I have always had to buy jeans one size too big and wear a belt to fit them in. Sadly, it makes wearing dresses in this climate…
  • I'm from the UK but don't live there nowadays. Feel free to add though :)
  • I like the suggestion to drive, unfortunately since we moved to a city with great public transport we nixed the car. Which does help me exercise more but doesn't help with the alcohol issue. OP, yes I find it very hard to say no. I regularly had a G&T (and unfortunately I can't get low cal tonic here), especially for an…
  • I walk everyday. I have an hour for lunch and I walk for about 45 minutes of that. I also walk to and from work, 15 minutes each way. I burn about 200 calories, not walking especially fast (I live in the tropics and it is too hot and humid for that). We also don't own a car so I walk most places, even if it's just to the…
  • I find iTunes a good place for videos, especially yoga.
  • Heck yes! My boyfriends mum was here for two weeks. We went out nearly everyday and were drinking a lot too. I was definitely eating/drinking less than them but it's hard to keep up the routine when my work schedules messed up and I'm being boring *sigh*
  • YES! I tried to start, I managed two days. Unfortunately due to my bizarre schedule I can't find a regular time to do it (shift work and long hours sometimes 14+ a day). I wish you the best of luck though. Stick to the 30 minutes though, the idea is to build your fitness up gradually.
  • I'm not surprised, but it is all edible. Offal isn't bad for you, I love it. I've never had a McRib (I live in a country with a large muslim community so I guess it's no surprise) so I can't comment on the taste. I'd be interested to see a more up to date report. The once referenced in the article is from 1995, that is a…
  • I went 504 into the red on my first day! I thought I was being so careful, obviously not. They do say that people underestimated their calorie intake and they're right!
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