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Job and how it affects your eating habits:



  • Days like today make it f difficult.

    Got woke up at 630a to be told an employee had not turned up for work

    So now I'm working 7am to 11pm straight.

    Luckily as is a restaurant and hotel I can ask the chef to make something

    But they never have time to make lunch so I skip it and then in the evening there are chips to munch on or breaded fried brie wedges etc.

    Oh well
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    I used to work night shift, 6pm to 12am. I would ride my pushbike to & from work (6km each way) and when shift was over I'd buy something horrid & eat while riding.... yeah junk like snack bars.

    Now I don't work. I eat better. But had I known then..... what I know now..... I'd eat before work....then walk home.
  • I work in marketing and it's hella difficult when we're running a campaign that involves giving out food.
    At the end of last year we had 1000 kit kats just sitting in the office, now it will be chocolate brownies for the next campaign.

    It can get tough - but I also allow myself 150-200 cals a day to enjoy as I please. This is based on a resolution I made - that I would eat healthy and clean for 85% of my diet. This way I don't feel deprived.
    I just make sure I'm on par with my calories and macros and then I'm A-OKAY!
    It's working great so far :)
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    I'm a teacher and obviously I can't eat while I'm teaching, so if I have a full day with no frees, then I get 30 mins at break and 30 mins at lunch. Even then, by the time I clear my classroom up, grab all my stuff, go to the loo etc, I don't actually have half hour left.

    We have a little office for our department with a kettle and a fridge, so I bring my lunch in (usually salad and some fruit) so I can keep it in the fridge. I usually have some fruit at break time and my salad at lunch time. By the time I eat and have a coffee it's usually time to get to the classroom and set up for the next lesson.

    In my frees I usually drink coffee, but I'm usually pretty busy so don't eat. People don't usually bring in chocolates and things so there's no temptation.
  • Tell me about it! I work in event production. If I'm onsite I'll get two or three meals a day provided. When I was in the UK it was bad enough (McDonald's for breakfast, Tesco meal deals for lunch, lasagne for dinner). Now I'm in Asia I regularly get 3 rice based dishes a day, normally curry or with deep fried meat (no veg), sometimes it's McDonald's but you know you're in trouble when that becomes the healthy option! They also don't always provide water so you end up having to drink fizzy drinks all day. I could take my own meal, but they pay for mine and when I've rejected it before I feel like I've offended them.
  • I work overnight for 12 hours, so i'm so bored! Then when im home with my infant i can barely get two bites in btwn caring for him and tryna get some sleep! I've been bringing in 100 cal snack and a banana all week to try and keep a handle on things! any more late night ideas?