Toning for skinny girls?
Decided to change my goal to maintaining between 98-100 pounds instead of losing weight, because I'm finally starting to realize that I'm already thin enough for my height. New goal: redo this body composition and get abs by summer if possible :) What are some exercises that I can do at home to fit into a busy schedule to…
Toning for skinny girls?
I've finalized the decision to change my goal to maintaining between 98-100 pounds instead of losing weight, because I'm finally starting to realize that I'm already thin enough for my height. I'm 5'0, and 18 years old. I've struggled with anorexia nervosa with bulimic tendencies for the past seven years, and have just…
Anyone under the age of 35???
Hi everyone!!! I'm trying to lose some weight (about 5-10 pounds), and need people closer to my age for some support. I need ideas for working out without doing so excessively as I've battled with eating disorders in the past. Any suggestions/ideas? I am: 5"0, 100 pounds, and 18 years old.
How much exercise is too much?
Hi everyone!!! I'm trying to lose some weight (about 5-10 pounds), and need people closer to my age for some support. I need ideas for working out without doing so excessively as I've battled with eating disorders in the past. Any specific suggestions/ideas? I want to tone my body and get some muscle definition. I am: 5"0,…
How much exercise is too much?
Hi everyone!!! I'm trying to lose some weight (about 5-10 pounds), and need people closer to my age for some support. I need ideas for working out without doing so excessively as I've battled with eating disorders in the past. Any suggestions/ideas? I am: 5"0, 100 pounds, and 18 years old.