I've lost weight before in my life. One summer I lost 30 pounds, but none of it came off of my legs. I would do running, elliptical, and weights for my legs. The only thing that happened was that the fat turned into muscle. Which is fine, but I want smaller legs. And they never seem to get smaller. They always stay the…
I read that you should go to bed hungry so you wake up hungry for breakfast. I'm not sure if that's true or not. Cause for example, I'm hungry right now but it's after 9 o'clock. Should I eat or wait until morning? What's your take on eating at night?
I looooovvveee carbs. So much. I'm a carb-a-holic. The problem is I'm craving it all the time and I don't know what to do to replace it but get the satisfaction gone. I used to be able to pick up a piece of bread and chow down on it. Now, I won't. So what should I do?
Hi I'm Brianna. I'm 18 turning 19 in February. I currently weight 274 pounds. I know.. that's a lot. I'm a big girl but also very muscular too. My goal is to get to 160 in a year from now. I started yesterday and I feel better already. I don't feel as shameful as I used to about eating. I've done diets before and I would…