I can now run/chase/play with the kiddos for 30min straight before I get tired or winded! The kids are 6,3,2 and 4 months. They are fast and full of energy lol. I am in better physical shape and have more endurance then my sweetie does....and he's thin...I'll get there but I'm healthyer then he is now dispite my size. I no…
meeting a group of friends over dinner tonight.they switched the place to bob evens now. What can I eat there that isn't toooo bad for me and that is also a '1 handed' food? (I'm nursing and will either be feeding the baby or holding her the whole time so everything I eat will be with one hand and can't be messy at all.)…
I havn't owned a scale in the past 15years! I'm now trying to lose the last little bit of baby weight from my last child, and have no way to 'weigh in' or check my progress. Should I buy a scale, if so what kind do you reccomend? Also how often should I weigh myself?
I'm 28yrs old, severly hypoglycimic and breastfeeding a 3month old who nurses A LOT. I currently weigh 201, I've already lost 50lbs before joining this site,although a lot of them were baby weight lol.I want to lose 40 more. Anyways with being hypoglycimic and nursing how many calories do you think I need a day?