With Christmas just over a month away I wondered if anyone had any amazing healthy Christmas recipes to share? :drinker:
The other day my 3 year decided she needed to go poo while we were out and about in town. I took her to a public toilet and just had to wait in there until she finished so I could help her clean up and all that. It's pretty boring waiting.. I started doing some jumping jacks. She found this amusing and I found it more fun…
Hi guys & girls I've decided I'd like to build a playlist for my ipod to take to the gym. To date I've just listened to the radio at the gym but I'm sick of the ads and the slow songs. Any suggestions? My music taste is wide so all suggestions welcome, I'm really looking for fast paced 'push yourself' music.
Hi guys I recently came across a number of blogs which have 'fitness bucket lists' - basically the idea is to come up with a list of fit things you'd like to do before you die. I'd be interested in hearing what others would put on their fitness bucket list. I've blogged mine:…