Need to try something else
Need to loose 200 lbs total but have a short term goal of 50 lbs at least by august 2016 ,i love food tring to eat more veggies without the butter and i bowl on fridays and my challange is to do a mile on a tredmill in 20 mim or less but donno how to do it. HELP
Cost of 17 day diet
Hi there everyone i am considering tring the 17 day diet and i am just wondering the cost for food for cycle 1 and 2 and any other tips
treadmill or elliptical
Where to get one of those , with a decent weight limit on a decent budget?
Fitbit and excersize
OK I know there is another threat but I am fringe to be on point as much as possible so I will ask, fit bit tracks steps like walking around the mall or the treadmill, but it doesn't do waterarobics or Zuma,or yoga am I understanding that right?
Realistic food budget for 1 person
A I will be moving out on my own soon and I always buy too much food and I always feel like healthy food is really expensive to get, does anyone have any advice or recipes they an share?,I will be cooking on Sunday'so for the month so I can have everything portioned and ready to go, thank you in advance for your time.
anyone in the gta
I am wondering from Oshawa or surrounding areas know where to get good quality veggies and meat at a good price.
Friends wanted
Hi there everyone I will be moving out on my own soon and I am going to need a lot of support I don't like asking for help but I need it.I don't have a lot of friends where I am but that my fault for being ashamed of what I let myself get to.I have joined a gym and I am going 2x'a a week and doing water aerobics, witch it…
The Biggest Loser Power Walk
So I am doing the biggest loser power walk witch means in 3 weeks I would have been able to do a marathon, Im also starting to do cardio max with the biggest loser, both of them are awesome and getting easier, I have just finished the 1st week and I have to say not bad.
Dr Berstein
I am concidering dr b diet, opinions