So, I have started T25. I have skipped very few days... this will be week 4 starting today. Beginning of the first week I was 196 with a 41in waist. Beginning of week 2- 194.4lbs and 40 in waist. Yay. Beginning of week 3....197lbs! Waist and all stayed the same... okay. Beginning of this week... 201.8! 41 inches! Now- mind…
Are "trainers" and "cross trainers" the same thing? I have looked everywhere for an answer and I am unable to find one. Shoes are rather complicated in stores now days unless they are "running" shoes. I need a cross training shoe for lateral movement (Insanity, tennis, ect) but al I seem to find are running shoes around…
I think for Christmas I am going to get my husband to get me a Body Monitor/ Calorie Counter - whatever they are, lol. I am wanting to start accurately tracking how many calories I am burning. So I was wondering what everyone was using and what they thought about them. Do you wish you would have went with something else?…
I started the C25K program back in August. September went terrible for me and I didn't work out at all. October I picked myself up again and started C25K again. Thought I would have to start from the beginning but I was okay to go to week 2. Then I went to week 3. Boy was I sucking wind. I think I have the lactic acid…
So.. I just finished with my workout today... I did Week 1 Day 1 of C25K! I am proud of myself for doing it! I also wrapped it up with some push-ups, back extensions, leg pull ins, triceps bench dips and side crunches. Overall I feel really good. Anyone have advice on what should be done on my down days? I was thinking of…