mandygivens Member


  • I too need some friends that actually interact. I actually just trimmed down my list because a lot of the people I never heard from again once I added them. I am doing the Insanity program right now. I am on a week 4 repeat (not a redo, I am proud to say, a repeat, lol) Because I don't work out on the weekends and I missed…
  • Thank you to the person who circled the differences. I couldn't figure out why people were saying no when I could see the difference and I wasn't just saying yes to be over enthusiastic.
  • Yeah girl! Your doing a great job! I can see a difference already in the belly around the belly button area! Keep it up!
  • I had started on Insanity last year but didn't finish due to hurting my ankle. I was also on a beta blocker that made me more tired than usual. I will tell you that your test looks fantastic. There were some of those that I had down as ZERO!!!! I want to recommend you get a spiral notebook and write down how you feel…
  • You look awesome! I am super impressed with your results.
  • You all have done a great job... I lost my way in week 3 and am starting over :(
  • I know everyone wants to track intake... sorry, I won't. I tried this before and it was miserable and I started starving myself. I have lost weight before and was only able to after I stopped trying to track. Sorry guys, it just isn't for everyone. Who says that I am in "deficit" anyways? I never said I was. I am just not…
  • Another thing... All weekend my butt and my legs have been killing me because of the squats and all.... Am I just retaining water you think? Someone better say something reassuring because I am totally wanting to throw in the towel!!!
  • Oh, and my ankles and calves are killing me right now. I have weak ankles to begin with but I REALLY wish I didn't have carpet all over the house. Those lunges that you have to change from side to side are impossible for me to do on the carpet. I end up having to modify the modification since I fell trying to do it…
  • I just started on Monday. I finished day three this morning. I bought a heart rate monitor on Monday so I could track the calories burned and I just took pictures this morning. I too am hoping I will stick with this. I REALLY want to stick with this....
  • Great job!!!
  • My feet also got smaller. I wear an 11/12 in women's and when I dropped my weight I fit into 11's better. It wasn't a drastic change for me but a slight one and my shoes just felt more comfortable. My ring size on the other hand went from an 8 1/2 to a 7! I finally broke down and sized down my ring when I was in a grocery…
  • Thank you. That makes me feel better- not so alone, lol. And I know about the unlimited energy too- that was how I felt when I moved on to week 4. Felt like I could run FOREVER that last day of week 3.
  • I do some dynamic stretching before I start and I stretch after. I did go to a runner's store and get fitted and get a new pair of running shoes before I started the program. My running shoes from a few years ago weren't cutting it. I have ran before. It might have only been a little over a mile, but I KNOW I can do this.…
  • Yes. Not only can I walk briskly for more than 30 minutes at a time but I also play tennis with my husband and daughter quite often- and I am very competitive.
  • Oh. and I want to add that my breathing is not the issue, it is my legs not being able to do it. I run at a comfortably slow pace- 4.5 mph and I can't run slower than that. If I do I am pretty much walking and it makes everything worse....
  • Go on with your bad self! And Hell Yeah! Brag away! I was excited last week when I started to get a tiny gap between my thighs, lol.
  • I only do dynamic stretching. I had to slow down because I couldn't make it that far. I am really sucking at running...
  • Yes, I stretch before and after. I also do some jumping jacks and such to get things moving around first. The pain in my legs are not the kinds of pain you would see a doctor for. As soon as I start walking, it goes away. It is more like the lactic acid buildup described by a lot of people... On days I don't do the C25k,…
  • This is a really old post- like REALLY old... but I am concerned. I am on week 4... completed day 2 yesterday. This is my second time on week 4. I have terrible issues making it through the 5 minutes without wanting to cry. My lungs and breathing is not the issue, it is the pain in my legs. They feel like they are on fire…
  • Right now I have been working on the C25K program paired with circuit training. I play tennis with my children, we go on walks, we go on the hiking trails and so on. Sometimes I do exercise videos... Basically I am doing different activities. I do not always know how fast I am going and I think it is a bit silly to assume…
  • My goal is to not gain any weight. We moved here last August-October (went from Germany to living with my in laws to buying our house) and expanded from 170 to 220. Stress! Now we have to move again... by January and I am down to 189ish and I just don't want to gain anything else.
  • Congratulations! So proud of you! You are a very strong person!
  • Awesome! I would love to be added! I don't have a lot of friends on here.
  • I tried it and was not able to keep up with it... I suck. I am, however, going to try it again once I get a little bit more fit and drop some of my weight. A lot of people try to do these programs when they are out of shape (like me). It also put a lot of stress on my ankles from the jumping. Right now I am doing the C25K…
  • I do exercise during my period, just not as high of an intensity. My birth control helps with keeping me light at first so I go for good hard workouts... but once it starts picking up, I tone it down. Today I did a run (Thank God it was at home on the treadmill) Cause I leaked through and it really put a damper on the rest…
  • I wish I could just "like" some posts here... especially when people say "no sneaking here". I don't sneak jack honky doodles. I eat, I am human. I can't count calories- I am not that awesome... and I abuse myself when I do... But YES to Halloween candy. I have three children- I can't live without candy! ;) And now time to…
  • Oh- and please take no offense if you DO track your food intake. I have no problem with other people doing it, it just messes with my head too much.
  • I totally DO NOT LOG FOOD! And I will tell you why... because I refuse to diet. Recording your food just seems to be another diet to me. Sooner or later, you have to stop. Like any other diet, it is a crutch to help you restrict what goes in your mouth and make your waist line go down. I found that the more I exercise, the…
  • LOL, finished W3D1 this morning. Totally didn't think I would be able to! First of all, I went to pick up a piece of trash out of the front yard and tripped over an electrical chord from some Halloween decorations lining the walkway. I guess I didn't step high enough... It still hurts to straighten out my leg. THEN I took…