Hey peeps!!!

So I started shaun T's INSANITY WORKOUT yesterday... Would just like to hear some thoughts, people who've done it, who've tried it, etc??? If you've done it and have some success stories and maybe pictures - please post. I could use a bit more motivation!!! hahahaha


  • 11744
    11744 Posts: 3
    I too started yesterday however I did it for the first time in the summer....well mostly!
    I got to around week eight and then shiftwork got in the way and it dropped off to around twice a week... so I have given myself a kick in the *kitten* and am starting again.
    Thankfully my fit test results haven't dropped that much.
    It is an amazing program. In the first four weeks I lot 8.5inches. Mostly from around my waist and hips. Probably the best benefit was the feeling of better nights sleep and waking up everyday feeling energized - even after a couple of glasses of wine!
    I didn't lose any weight but have gone down a dress size. I'm going to try and up my protein intake this time.
    I've found some nice protein drinks in Tesco called Upbeat. They're nicer than my protein shake.
    You'll love insanity and trust me after the second weeks fit test results you'll be telling all your friends and sounding like you're part of a cult.....!!
    Good luck!
  • DJ478
    DJ478 Posts: 909 Member
    I started yesterday also i did insanity last year only finished month one and reached my gw now I'm starting again but doing the full 60 days following nutrition guide helped me alot I tweaked some meals but def helps going off of it and for motivation I'm probably gna start a group or see if someone started one for this month really helps and what motivates me daily is doing it in the morning really helps energize me throughout the day and when I feel lazy I try to push myself to reach my goal
  • Chain_Ring
    Chain_Ring Posts: 753 Member
    Completed it. Saw decent results. Wouldn't do it again........working out indoors sucks.
  • mrslcoop
    mrslcoop Posts: 317 Member
    I’m currently in the second week. While I’ve not noticed any changes physically yet (stupid TOM water weight masking everything) I’ve already noticed how much stronger I am in just over one week. I’m getting to the point where I don’t have to stop during the WARM UP more than twice which is huge and I’m pausing it only a couple of times to catch my breath and let my heart rate come down. I can’t wait to see where I am come recovery week. Feel free to add me. A lot of my MFP friends do insanity or are grads.
  • cwilliams2145
    I started Insanity on Sunday. So today will be day 3 for me. I tried it about a year ago and didnt get past day 1 or even complete it at that. Im excited to complete the whole program this time.
  • mandygivens
    mandygivens Posts: 50 Member
    I tried it and was not able to keep up with it... I suck. I am, however, going to try it again once I get a little bit more fit and drop some of my weight. A lot of people try to do these programs when they are out of shape (like me). It also put a lot of stress on my ankles from the jumping. Right now I am doing the C25K 3days a week and strength training in between days. The running is helping strengthen my ankles and I have been working on burpies and pushups. When I meet my running goal I think that will tell me my endurance will be strong enough to try Insanity again.

    As far as the actual program went- I LOVED IT. I used to be competitive in my workouts, I have just gotten really out of shape. It was nice and challenging, which I loved!
  • Roz2889
    Roz2889 Posts: 71 Member
    I'm about to start Month 2 this evening. So far I'e noticed my fitness improve a lot and a slight reduction in body % and inches but not much. That's because I am already a healthy weight, just want to lose some body fat, but also I haven't followed the nutrition guide strictly enough.

    I haven't missed a workout so its really the nutrition bit for me I struggle with. As a result I have built muscle but you can't quite see it as I haven't lost the fat on top. My aim for month 2 is to really stick to the nutrition part and hopefully lose that fat.

    So in terms of what results you can expect to see really depends on your starting weight. Also being strict with the food is KEY!!! If you don't follow the food plan I doubt you will see the results you want.
  • absmith_
    absmith_ Posts: 63 Member
    I am in the second week of month 1. My profile picture is from my results of round 1 of the insanity program. Got great results and loved it so much, I took 1 day off and started the program again!! Its tough, very tough. But you get what you put into it!
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    It's a solid program for the short term, but there are a few key things of note:

    1. Insanity is for short term results. It's not a program you can keep indefinitely repeating and make a lifestyle out of as you WILL eventually injure yourself due to the fact that the body needs more rest and recovery than what the schedule allows for. You should also bear in mind that it is normal to gain SOME of the weight back, or lose SOME of the definition you get some time after completing, because it is not feasible to maintain this activity level indefinitely as an adult.

    2. Insanity is not a weight loss program. It is for already fit people looking to get even fitter. You will notice there is NO modifier for any of the workouts. This is because the exercise selection and overall format cannot be modified without compromising the integrity of the program. If your fitness level does not permit you to go through the program without modification, you're better off finding something else. Yes, you CAN modify and get results, but you'll get even BETTER results, SAFER, out of something more tailored to your fitness level.

    3. Approach the workouts with a degree of common sense. While they do endorse good form during exercises, ultimately it is not feasible to go with timed set format workouts without form beginning to suffer. Crossfit is the same way. You WILL see people using "cheating" form to get through the workouts. It is inevitable when doing timed set workouts.

    4. Insanity is high impact and has a very high rate of injury. Be warned going in. It is hard on the knees and ankles.

    5. Be sure to get yourself a good pair of cross trainers or basketball shoes. Running shoes won't cut it and you will inevitably injure yourself.
  • Bobbyjr72
    Bobbyjr72 Posts: 28 Member
    Great program. I have done it 3 times now. Started after p90x which was a nice kick start but took my weight from 203 to 178 by the end of month two of insanity (also a combo of using MFP to adhere to healthy eating and a sprinkle of bikram yoga 3 x per week). Greatest program. Just don't get intimidated. Remember, he's not actually watching or judging you. Go at your own pace. I stopped all the time in the beginning and still lost tons of weight.
  • Marrowshard
    I'm on my last week of Phase 2 right now. VERY hard, but definitely worth it! Definitely listen to your body. You'll die trying to keep up with the people in the video (especially Tania ...) but as long as your form is correct, that's much more important than speed. And don't trim your calories too hard, you WILL need the extra fuel to build more muscle. Remember, Insanity isn't about getting skinny, it's about getting stronger and faster and using your muscles to fuel weight loss.

    Friend me if you need some support, I'll be restarting the whole thing after a week's break!
  • mreeves261
    mreeves261 Posts: 728 Member
    Completed it. Saw decent results. Wouldn't do it again........working out indoors sucks.

  • gothkimmie13
    I'm currently doing week 1 of month 2 of insanity :D it's awesome! - But OMG how many push ups there are in the max plyo lol
    im gradually getting a little better with push ups still got a long way to go! didn't do any till this programme.
    I love listening to shaun t shout at you and motivate you through each workout :) i've lost 18 inches so far off my waist, hips, biceps, bust and thighs! and I have lost 11 lbs also :) so very happy but i have another month to go and i'm going to work harder for it.

    I love how insanity is put into a work programme so you do it 6 days a week - i love how its set out.
    Me and my fitness partner also did hip hop abs while doing month one but in the evenings - now that was good fun and could start to feel it in the abs and thighs and bum area! We are not sure what to do now though to keep our evenings busy!?
  • DJ478
    DJ478 Posts: 909 Member

    group I started for those who need support or just friends =)
  • Roz2889
    Roz2889 Posts: 71 Member
    Supposed to be starting month 2 this evening but feeling so tired, need some motivation quick!
  • ste007001
    I've just started week 3 of insanity workout and have seen slight weight gain (4lb) but clear signs of improved fitness and loss of inches. I will post before and after photos at the end of the 9 weeks. I have started a group of men doing insanity as most people I have found seem to be woman and I think some men may feel more comfortable in a male group (me included).

    Still can't complete the DVDs as well as the fitness experts on the DVD and fully expect most people can't.

    I tried to start this earlier this year but both fit test damaged my back so this time round I am replacing the fit test with another of the DVDs.

    I am 224lb 6ft 3 and 36, I am a little gutted by weight gain but I am going to keep going as lots of people seem to gain weight and then loose lots towards the end.

    Keep pushing YOU CAN DO IT!
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Completed it. Saw decent results. Wouldn't do it again........working out indoors sucks.
    that's like your opinion man........running everyday isn't that healthy

    There is much more to do outdoors than run. I prefer to exercise outdoors myself, though I rarely run, but weather and seasons don’t always make it fun or safe. At those times, I find DVD workouts to be a nice alternative. I haven't tried Insanity yet, but I'm going to try it.

    As for the post that said it can't be done indefinitely, I suppose nothing can, but there are people who teach Insanity classes and they do it long term.