C25k: can't seem to get past Week 4?

I just can't run for 5 minutes straight and I've been on this week for over a fortnight!
Recently I've started running without my iPod so I might be there but not know it, but i don't feel like I have.

How long did it take other people to do each week? Am I the only one having to repeat weeks?


  • zoombie_bear
    zoombie_bear Posts: 963 Member
    It did not take ma a long time, I started out with the program taught is was going to slow so I reduced the walking and increaded the runnning and in less then 3wks was able to do the entire 5km with a 5min warmup only and stretch at the end
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    Everyone is different, many of my friends have had to do repeats. Just pace yourself, maybe slow down a little more. No matter what don't give up! I graduated the plan last summer and its helped greatly! Good luck!
  • CarolynB38
    CarolynB38 Posts: 553 Member
    Don't worry about it. It happens to a lot of people. Next time try to go slower and if you feel you can't quite make it to 5 mins slow down to a really slow run for a few seconds. Keep your rhythm but shorten your stride just so you can get to 5 mins. The important thing it to keep moving, it doesn't matter how fast or slow. You can work on speed later. Just keep trying and you'll get there.

    Sometimes running with a friend can help or try singing a song in your head that gives you a good rhythm to run to. That's what I do. Good luck with it, you'll do fine :happy:
  • leonardk09
    leonardk09 Posts: 86 Member
    I repeated week for twice, haha. It's one of the hardest transitions, but you HAVE to be able to pull through it for week 5. I'm on week five now, and for some reason I find day 2 (8 minute running intervals (2x)) much easier because of it. If you need to repeat it, then do it! You have to mentally prepare for each interval by just ignoring the time and keep going.
  • muggle03
    muggle03 Posts: 86 Member
    Week 4 was the hardest for me. I just started week 6 and it seems pretty easy compared to week 4& 5. I had to do it twice to progress. Take your time- the endurance will come! In a few weeks running five minutes will seem like nothing!!!
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    try slowing down.

    Are you hitting a wall? like your lungs are on fire, and your head is pounding, and something is in your chest? You pretty much have to suck it up and push though it. its going to suck. Once you do, it will be better.
  • deex18
    deex18 Posts: 113 Member
    im currently on week 6...... i can assure u i found week four extremly hard..... the first day i couldnt complete the last run had to stop once... the second night i had to stop three times in the last run.... i felt lik i was going backwards.... i was so close to stopping and quitting so i gave it one more go and wit a lot of determination i completed it.... i didnt really run i more so shuffled along, i lowered my pace but kept my little jog/ shuffle... i dunno if thats any help!!! my aunt is a week ahead of me and she kept encouraging me to try the following week and u know wat week 5 was more easier than week 4!!! i feel ur pain!! but u wil get through it!!! keep the chin up and u can do it!! i just kept saying in my head come u have this just keep going....... i also use my ipod and i dont think i could do it without the podcasts!!
    good luck!!!!!
  • KBrenOH
    KBrenOH Posts: 704 Member
    Slow your speed down. Remember for right now, it's distance, not speed that you're looking for.

    I'm on W4D3 (going tomorrow) and I thought the 5 minutes was going to kill me but unless I hit a hill, I've been ok so far. I had to check my speed as well (not that I was going very fast to begin with lol).

    What's been hardest for me has been figuring out the breathing thing that everyone keeps saying you find. I've yet to find that sweet spot for that aspect of this program.

    Keep at it - you can do it!
  • Jomalone2
    Jomalone2 Posts: 129 Member
    My 2 cents...... Don't spend too much time on any one week. Repeats are okay but you might do better on week 5 than you think. Give it a try. I never really felt like I accomplished weeks 8 or 9 like I should have but was signed up for my first 5k and managed to do it anyway. Some days are better than others. Keep pushing yourself, noone else will. Good luck.
  • mandygivens
    mandygivens Posts: 50 Member
    This is a really old post- like REALLY old... but I am concerned. I am on week 4... completed day 2 yesterday. This is my second time on week 4. I have terrible issues making it through the 5 minutes without wanting to cry. My lungs and breathing is not the issue, it is the pain in my legs. They feel like they are on fire and like they can't go on any further. I used to run at a steady 5 mph. I had to slow it down to 4.5 and now even further to 4.2. I can't run any slower or I am going to trip, so slowing down is not the advise I want to hear (everyone says that). And really- the slower I run, the more it hurts! I just feel like I haven't made any progress with this. I really don't want to move on to week 5 until I can get through it without wanting to cry.... Why do I feel like I am a worse runner now then when I started??
  • Amandatorie
    Amandatorie Posts: 93 Member
    This is a really old post- like REALLY old... but I am concerned. I am on week 4... completed day 2 yesterday. This is my second time on week 4. I have terrible issues making it through the 5 minutes without wanting to cry. My lungs and breathing is not the issue, it is the pain in my legs. They feel like they are on fire and like they can't go on any further. I used to run at a steady 5 mph. I had to slow it down to 4.5 and now even further to 4.2. I can't run any slower or I am going to trip, so slowing down is not the advise I want to hear (everyone says that). And really- the slower I run, the more it hurts! I just feel like I haven't made any progress with this. I really don't want to move on to week 5 until I can get through it without wanting to cry.... Why do I feel like I am a worse runner now then when I started??

    If running is causing severe pain in your legs, I suggest you see a doctor, who can either give you a diagnosis or refer you to a physical therapist.

    Also, are you stretching before and after?
  • mandygivens
    mandygivens Posts: 50 Member
    Yes, I stretch before and after. I also do some jumping jacks and such to get things moving around first. The pain in my legs are not the kinds of pain you would see a doctor for. As soon as I start walking, it goes away. It is more like the lactic acid buildup described by a lot of people... On days I don't do the C25k, like today, I do a 10-15 minute warm up on the treadmill and I will run 2-3 minutes at 5 mph with no discomfort at all.. but let me try any longer at a slower speed and I get that burning sensation in my legs like they are screaming at me to stop. Is it possible that the slower speed is what is causing it?
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    You shouldn't stretch before a run or workout. Do a few jumping jacks or just walk for a minute or two. You don't want to tear muscle fibers before you workout and while they are cold. If you can run at 5 mph, then run at 5 mph. I can't run slower than that or it feels like some kind of stumbling run and I start exaggerating my movement to keep the slow pace. A lot of it is just mental.

    The only other thing I can think of is your shoes. Possibly they aren't supporting the way they need to. Some people also swear by compression socks for leg pain.
  • mreeves261
    mreeves261 Posts: 728 Member
    I wasn't able to get past that week until i took my brain out of the equation! I slowed down, focused on my breathing and promised myself no matter what my little demon in my head said I wouldn't stop util I was told.
  • mandygivens
    mandygivens Posts: 50 Member
    I only do dynamic stretching. I had to slow down because I couldn't make it that far. I am really sucking at running...