INSANITY Fit Test.... Looking for advice

Hi guys, my name is Marcelo and I feel it is time to change.
I am 19 years old, and I have always been insecure about my body. When I was 15, my father died and I would often make myself happy by eating lots of sugar and fats. Now I weigh approximately 187 lbs (im 6 ft tall). My ideal weight is 165 lbs, then I will get myself a fitness program and do weight training with my best friend.

I use a 34" pant size, and I wanna get down in a comfortable 32".
So thats 2 inches. Is 2 inches possible to lose with this program?

I am in terrible shape, I never exercise, and I mostly go to school and sewing clothes at home.
I am wondering if this program is right for me. Is this too tough?

I feel like the first half of the workouts went fine, but then I just couldn't breathe, and I had to sit for a good 10 minutes afterwards to get calm lol. I was sweating like a pig!

Switch Kicks: 63
Power Jacks: 33
Power Knees: 60
Power Jumps: 16
Globe Jumps: 6
Suicide Jumps: 8
Push up jacks: 9
Low plank oblique: 10

be aware that my form is pretty bad, but i did my best to execute the exercises properly..

I really wanna get through with this weight loss. I am tired of not feeling proud of myself.

Can anyone share their experience with the program, and advice me on this ? I would appreciate it a lot, from my heart. Promise.

Good day people...


  • mizzzc
    mizzzc Posts: 346 Member
  • McCluskey1128
    McCluskey1128 Posts: 88 Member
    Hey Marcelo!

    Congrats on taking the first steps! That's the most important step!

    I don't think insanity is too hard. I'm pretty in shape and I had to sit as well. It was a mess and my form was awful at first as well. It's ok to take breaks. Just try to push as hard as you can for as long as you can. You will get better. It will get easier. Just stick with it. That's the hard part!

    I wish you the best of luck!
  • mandygivens
    mandygivens Posts: 50 Member
    I had started on Insanity last year but didn't finish due to hurting my ankle. I was also on a beta blocker that made me more tired than usual. I will tell you that your test looks fantastic. There were some of those that I had down as ZERO!!!! I want to recommend you get a spiral notebook and write down how you feel before and after every workout. That is what I had done. Looking back at my journal on the first workout I did after the fit test I have written,

    "I am seriously crying. I cant believe how bad of shape I am in and I am so angry with myself because I just cant do some of the exercises."

    I remember that day, and I WAS crying. I felt like a failure. Sounds terrible, right? On day 8 I wrote "I still cant do everything but I no longer feel like a failure."

    So don't get discouraged, it is hard and you wont be able to do everything at first, but you WILL get better. My fit test went downhill before it got better but it DID get better.
  • exwilson
    exwilson Posts: 154 Member
    Marcelo - First off, these numbers aren't bad for your first fit test. I'd be more concerned about your admission that your form is bad.

    You'll hear them say on Insanity all the time to watch your form. That's really the biggest thing. Without proper form, you can really hurt yourself. In essence, never sacrifice form for speed. The speed will come.

    2" is certainly possible with Insanity. Stick with it and I have no doubt you'll get there. No doubt at all.

    In terms of advice, here's what I can offer (I'm about to finish my first round through)
    - Remember that you've got 63 days of this program. Just stick with it. It's hard, but it's very rewarding to finish.
    - Eat back the calories you burn (you can calculate calories at You need to replenish your body. But eat smart.
    - Embrace the sweat. Think of it as all your negative emotion dripping out of your body.
    - Have plenty of water on hand
    - Don't watch the clock on the screen! A watched pot never boils. After about 2 weeks (or less) you'll stop watching the screen anyway.
    - Don't expect too much weight loss (at least not in the first month). I got very discouraged by this at first.

    And most importantly, don't put too much stock in the advice you receive from other people. :smile:

    Once I finish this week, I'll be starting the program over again next week. Feel free to add me as a friend if you need/want encouragement.

    Good luck!
  • exwilson
    exwilson Posts: 154 Member
    I want to recommend you get a spiral notebook and write down how you feel before and after every workout. That is what I had done.

    That's a really good idea. I'm going to give that a whirl when I restart the program.
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    the program is built so it will be very difficult for everyone, even those in very good shape.

    Its basically sprinting for 15 - 25 min and pretty much no one can do that. So even if your in great shape, you'll will be able to push yourself to the point that its very challenging.

    Just wanted to point that out. Might put it in perspective if your thinking 'am i ready for it or not'. Assuming you have no health issues other then being overwieght, its safe. and everyone just has to work at a level they can handle.

    That being said it takes it highest tool on those who are not already in some decent shape. But my point is, that if one is doing it right, its always going to be a harsh butt kicking.

    getting through the program is far more about mental toughness then how fit you are.
  • MarceloGiovanni
    Wow. This forum is just terrific. I didn't expect not only so fast replies, but some very detailed ones.

    Thanks alot to the posters, for cheering me up. I have decided to stick to the program. I am encouraged to do my best.
    Thank you so much for taking your time advising me :)