Anyone else doing / done T25?

*Note: Sorry if there already is a topic about this.

I have decided to try to finally finish a workout program. I always start and get so excited then after a few days I drift off and forget all about it. I like that T25 is a good workout and only takes 25 minutes. It is more intense however I find myself in the current fitness shape i'm in having to take a few sips of water during the workout though its meant to be constant nonstop intensity workout.

I'm hoping I get this jumpstart that I need through this programs I was just curious to know who all else has been through this journey or have been thinking about it or going through it right now and what they like, find challenging about it or if they don't like it at all and why.


  • kelboo99
    kelboo99 Posts: 1
    I officially started it yesterday (did the first 2 workouts over the weekend). I love it so far. My kids and husband did it with me yesterday and the 25 minutes is manageable when dinner is in the oven.

    I'm a little sore (especially my calves).

    Good luck!
  • JeremyGa
    JeremyGa Posts: 3 Member
    I actually just finished day 2. It's hard with work and the kids to fit workouts like this in but like you said, it's only 25 minutes and builds up a good sweat. Good luck and whatever you do, just keep hitting play! Even a tired half into it workout is better than no workout at all.
  • jeremywm1977
    jeremywm1977 Posts: 657 Member
    For my money and time, it's one of the best workouts I do.
  • aetarazona
    My girlfriend and I are currently on the last week of Alpha . I have to say, if you haven't worked out at all for a while, it is pretty challenging. My body is starting to get used to it and i hope beta is big step up. I have lost 11 pounds and gained a decent amount of muscle tone. My girlfriend lost 4 pounds compared to me since she's in shape. Overall, It is a great workout for only 25 mins. Be sure to hit the double workout on Friday.
  • amullett3
    amullett3 Posts: 12
    I have completed 2 rounds of T25 and 2 rounds of the Gamma phase. Don't get discouraged that you need a few water breaks they are tough workouts. Tania is a great person to follow as you are trying to build up stamina. I have a bad knee and spent a large part of the workout following the modifier. I also found that when i really take my time I can focus on the move and have perfect form even if I do 2 or 3 less reps. Feel free to add me if you need an accountability partner. Plus finishing a program is the most satisfying feeling!!
  • mandygivens
    mandygivens Posts: 50 Member
    I just started on Monday. I finished day three this morning. I bought a heart rate monitor on Monday so I could track the calories burned and I just took pictures this morning. I too am hoping I will stick with this. I REALLY want to stick with this....
  • mandygivens
    mandygivens Posts: 50 Member
    Oh, and my ankles and calves are killing me right now. I have weak ankles to begin with but I REALLY wish I didn't have carpet all over the house. Those lunges that you have to change from side to side are impossible for me to do on the carpet. I end up having to modify the modification since I fell trying to do it correctly. I also tried kicking off my shoes for it and then had to stop and put my shoes back on because I am not comfortable doing it without shoes. Will be pushing play tomorrow though ;)
  • Pauled50
    Pauled50 Posts: 1
    Hi, started T25 Monday enjoying the workouts at the moment. Just struggled a bit with the plank workouts in the full body workout program. But hopefully that will improve, I expect there will be some more plank routine in today's AB workout. I also use a heart rate monitor to track the calories, Yesterday's calorie count was 417.
  • tweetiejovi
    tweetiejovi Posts: 62 Member
    i ain't doing as a program but i use some of the workouts a few days aweek and work it in with Jessica smith Leslie anyone the gym and jillian Michael and love the burn of t25
  • debraran1
    debraran1 Posts: 521 Member
    I also use the program but not just T25. To be honest, for me, the cardio needs to be more. Speed 2.0 and 3.0 is fine, and although he has some cardio in other DVD's (not so much in Gamma) I need a little more. I also like to hit the muscles differently so will do another strength some days and mix it in.
    I do love the 25 minutes and BETA has some great workouts and doing Gamma, he has some more intense strength The only part I wasn't humbled by was the abs, I think Pilates, years of it, made his floor exercises a little easier...a small victory to have nailed that early . ; )

    You can drink water, there are moments, the light jog, etc. that give you a moment to do that...he always has a sneak "break" doing something slower or static.

    Some of the DVD's will continue to be a "go to" in the future, and I don't regret getting it at all. (I did pay less on Ebay)
  • lightmouse
    lightmouse Posts: 175 Member
    I'm on the third week of Gamma. I love it because it gives me a resistance training routine to supplement my running (I don't have access to a gym - I live in the middle of nowhere so working out outside or at home are my only options)