This happento anyone else???

So, I have started T25. I have skipped very few days... this will be week 4 starting today. Beginning of the first week I was 196 with a 41in waist. Beginning of week 2- 194.4lbs and 40 in waist. Yay. Beginning of week 3....197lbs! Waist and all stayed the same... okay. Beginning of this week... 201.8! 41 inches! Now- mind you that last week I skipped Mon and Tues but did double workouts on Wed and Thurs and then skipped Friday- but the kids had field day... I was running and playing with kids half the day so it isn't like I was sitting on my butt. Yes, this WAS Easter weekend BUT I don't see why this is happening to me. And no, I do not track my food intake because if I did I would be so obsessed with the numbers that I would starve myself. I dont drink sodas and I dont think I am that bad of an eater- certainly not bad enough to have this issue!

I read some posts about people getting bigger before they get smaller... anyone have experience with that? Anyone gain weight with T25? And maybe lost later...? And I just bloating up? WTH???


  • mandygivens
    mandygivens Posts: 50 Member
    Another thing... All weekend my butt and my legs have been killing me because of the squats and all.... Am I just retaining water you think? Someone better say something reassuring because I am totally wanting to throw in the towel!!!
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    all water retention esp if you are experiencing doms long as you are in a calorie deficet.

    Just be patient you will see it dropping either this week or in the next couple...

    Make sure you are drinking lots of water tho...
  • jperkins6
    I've experienced this also. I was told by my personal trainer that it could be water retention, the change in diet, your metabolism building up, constipation, etc. It could be a number of things, but you have to keep with it. Don't get discouraged and quit because it took a long time to put it on so it will probably be twice as long to get it off.
  • asdowe13
    asdowe13 Posts: 1,951 Member
    So, I have started T25. I have skipped very few days... this will be week 4 starting today. Beginning of the first week I was 196 with a 41in waist. Beginning of week 2- 194.4lbs and 40 in waist. Yay. Beginning of week 3....197lbs! Waist and all stayed the same... okay. Beginning of this week... 201.8! 41 inches! Now- mind you that last week I skipped Mon and Tues but did double workouts on Wed and Thurs and then skipped Friday- but the kids had field day... I was running and playing with kids half the day so it isn't like I was sitting on my butt. Yes, this WAS Easter weekend BUT I don't see why this is happening to me. And no, I do not track my food intake because if I did I would be so obsessed with the numbers that I would starve myself. I dont drink sodas and I dont think I am that bad of an eater- certainly not bad enough to have this issue!

    One simply can not lose weight with exercise alone, one must be in a calorie deficit to lose weight.
    exercise is a means to eat more, or create a larger deficit.

    Start tracking your food, you'll probably find you are eating way too many calories.
  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    I didn't see the "instant" weight loss everyone seems to see with T25. I did lose inches and about 9 lbs after the end of Beta, but the first week I started Gamma, after one week off, I dropped like 5 lbs so be patient.
  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    . And no, I do not track my food intake because if I did I would be so obsessed with the numbers that I would starve myself. I dont drink sodas and I dont think I am that bad of an eater- certainly not bad enough to have this issue!

    Just noticed this part, if you are not tracking how can you tell if you're in a deficit?
  • scottkjar
    scottkjar Posts: 346 Member
    For years, the more I worked out, the fatter I got. After working out, I was starving, and would eat a ton of food, confident that I was burning it off. Once I started counting calories, I realized that I was eating back about 3x my exercise calories. Exercise alone, without knowing about consumption, made me fatter.

    If you don't count calories, and you are working out and gaining weight, the issue might be caloric intake.
  • It happened to me when I got a personal trainer - 3 lbs. more gained early on - most likely muscle my trainer said. I believe him because people later started commenting I looked smaller (and the sleeves of my shirt pinched less as well)!
  • hospitablegirl
    hospitablegirl Posts: 64 Member
    For years, the more I worked out, the fatter I got. After working out, I was starving, and would eat a ton of food, confident that I was burning it off. Once I started counting calories, I realized that I was eating back about 3x my exercise calories. Exercise alone, without knowing about consumption, made me fatter.

    If you don't count calories, and you are working out and gaining weight, the issue might be caloric intake.

    It's very important to track your consumption. It isn't forever, but at least until you get used to what true portion sizes are. I wouldn't have been able to lose any weight without tracking my consumption.

    Also, I wouldn't recommend skip days. I do cheat meals, but not cheat days.
  • mandygivens
    mandygivens Posts: 50 Member
    I know everyone wants to track intake... sorry, I won't. I tried this before and it was miserable and I started starving myself. I have lost weight before and was only able to after I stopped trying to track. Sorry guys, it just isn't for everyone. Who says that I am in "deficit" anyways? I never said I was. I am just not going crazy with eating. I listen to my body and eat when I am hungry and stop when I am full. I think about what is going into my mouth and make the best choices I can. I make healthier meals and cut out certain things. Folks say "you cant lose weight with exercise alone"... why not? If I am eating the same thing today that I did yesterday, yet today I burned 300-400 calories with exercise- there is my deficit. Whats even worse is that I can tell I am eating less since exercising... I don't fill my plate full. I don't snack as much. So please- leave tracking food out of this. I am confident (even if you aren't) that I am eating better than I used to.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    you need a deficet to lose weight.

    You can get that deficet through food (smaller amounts) and/ or through exercise.

    The reason people suggest tracking is that is it almost impossible to know that the exercise is creating a deficet without knowing how much you are eating...but if you choose not to track but don't lose have to realize that even with the exercise you are not in a deficet...eating better or not...

    As I said at the start tho it is probably water from new exercise...give it 4-6 weeks and if you still aren't losing...look at your intake.