Hey ya'll Does anyone have any suggestions on where I can get Zumba dvds for half price? I really want them but I really don't have $60.00 right now. I checked amazon it's less but not by much. Thanks any help would be appreciated!!!
Hello Everyone, I absolutely love JM and her 30 day shred and I have been curious about her website jillianmichaels.com and was wondering if anyone has tried it?? and if they recommend it any insight is greatly appreciated. Oh and what is the cost for membership???
What a lunch break!!! I have a dog her name is Sissy ( Like from Urban Cowboy, her personality certainly fits Sissy's character from the movie) she is spayed and has been since she was 4 months old. My aunt, who is also my neighbor has another female dog who is the same age AND they grew up together both raised by a…
I love Kim's curves and I've got the bust BUT not the hips or the butt, in fact, I don't have much of a butt. So, I was wondering if anyone has been successful in going from nothing to a little junk in the trunk with exercise?? I would LOVE to know what methods you used: diet, exercises, well, basically your entire plan.…
Ello! So, I am considering purchasing this new exercise program called INsanity by Shaun T (The guy from hip hop abs). I watched this paid programming last night. It sounds promising but I wanted to know if anyone has tried the program with real results. Fill me in.....are there any insanity survivors out there??