Post here your daily workouts. You can post successes and struggles! We can do this! :)
Begin posting weight on Monday June 19, 2017
Format: Starting Weight: 3 Month Goal: Last Week Weight: Current Weight:
The first weigh in will be on Monday June 12, 2017. Weigh ins will be every Monday morning. Mondays are tough but it will give us motivation to stay on track over the weekend. On the first week set a goal for the following 3 months. Try to be realistic hitting goals is very motivating and will keep us on track! Follow this…
Take photos of yourself... front,side, back dont worry i am not going to ask you to post them keep them mark them as your day one or before photo we will take pics each month on the 12th its a great way to keep track of your accomplishments!
Challenge for Week One: Physical Out of the next 7 days try to be physical (30 minutes or more) of exercise 3 days, on the days you don't do 30 minutes do 25 jumping jacks. As my doctor says, you eat every day you need to move everyday! Post of the discussion thread your progress!