Where's everyone at??
Hey everyone, I have to admit that I have been pretty lazy in logging in here lately, HAHA!! How is everyone doing on the challenge? We only have a short time left. I am pretty disappointed in myself this year. I let being busy and having no motivation rule this challenge this year. Again, I am back at it, this time back…
Healthy Eating
Not sure if anyone is interested but I recently discovered this woman's blog and I think it's great. It encourages "clean" eating and the great thing is her recipes are pretty simple to follow. Check it out!! http://heavenlyhomemakers.com/start-the-day-with-a-healthy-quick-easy-breakfast-31-days-of-real-food-reality-day-13
How do I start heavy lifting?
Hey guys, I am really interested in heavy lifting. The problem is that I only have access to hand weights and have been using 3 and 5 lb weights when doing my workouts. Yesterday I moved up to 10 lbs weights and loved it. My question is, what are you supposed to do in regards to doing this gradually? Do you stay at a…
Cutting back on Sodium--Need help!
Ok so I have never had to watch my sodium levels before. However, I see now how important it is to watch your sodium in regards to living a healthier life style and losing weight. My problem is this. I don't mind cooking, in fact I am not that big into pre packaged stuff except for things like bread, crackers and things…
Eating at Disney
Ok I finally hit ten pounds lost and now we are going to Disney World for the weekend. I can not log in my meals so I am hoping this doesn't throw me off. We will be walking all day so that will help. I know the quick serve places offer fruits and salads but does anyone know of any other specific places in Disney that…
Any Type-I Diabetics on here?
Hey all, I have been a Type I Diabetic since age 12 and I find it so much harder to balance my insulin with the changes in my eating adn exercising. It never fails that I have low blood sugar alot which makes me have to eat more. Any one else have this problem? What do you eat that is low cal to help with the low sugars?
Hello everyone! I am new to exercise, it's been years I am shameful to admit. *sigh*.....Anyways, what are some things that are best when just starting out and you know that you are very out of shape. I am cleared by the doctor, but I know my cardio is bad, on top of that I have asthma so whenever I do any cardio I freak…
Adding foods??
How do I bypass the amount consumed if they don't have what I ate? For example for dinner I ate 1/2 cup brown rice and they only give you two choices, 1 cup or 8 cups.
New Here, Can someone explain please?
Hello everyone, my name is Katie and I am new here. I just need a little help understanding this whole weight loss thing based on counting calories. I figured out that I was probably consuming about 2100-2300 calories a day. I have set my goal at 1700 calories a day. I am disappointed to see that it will only lead to a .8…