Any Type-I Diabetics on here?

Hey all, I have been a Type I Diabetic since age 12 and I find it so much harder to balance my insulin with the changes in my eating adn exercising. It never fails that I have low blood sugar alot which makes me have to eat more. Any one else have this problem? What do you eat that is low cal to help with the low sugars?


  • Hello. I've been eating better and exercising since may 2012 and my insulin requirements have reduced quite a lot. I take long acting lantus and quick acting novorapid. My lantus has reduced from 34 units to 24 units. If you are on multiple daily injections like me, try reducing your ratio around the time of exercise. my ratio is normally 1 unit:5g carb. I have to reduce this to 1:8g when exercising.
    I tend to snack on fruit. Bananas are the best for keeping my blood sugar up but they are quite high in carbs and cals. I also always have lucozade in the house and have 50ml when hypo followed by a banana or a cereal bar. That's what I've figured works for me at the moment. Not really that low in carbs but beats stuffing my face with crap like I used to whenever my sugars went low lol. xx
  • junip1977
    junip1977 Posts: 111 Member
    Hi Betty. Yes my insulin requirements have changes as well. I have always been on a sliding scale with my short acting and lately with the exercise I seem to always run low. I don't like having to eat when I am not hungry, it is frustrating. What is Lucozade?? It never fails that when I lower my insulin does I go high, but if I leave it the same i go low. LOL Isn't it crazy how when we are low we can eat everything in sight...LOL
  • winkerbean
    winkerbean Posts: 39 Member
    Hi there! I've been T! since I was 12 as well. :) So, you said you were on a sliding scale - would that be with a long lasting insulin or in a pump? With the pump, at least, I can disengage the pump or set the basal very low. I'm not sure what options you would have with the long lasting insulin floating in your system while exercising - it has been a few years since I've been on it (and I didn't really exercise while I was on it). It would help to know what treatment you're using.

    I haven't had many lows since I started exercising/trying to lose weight. But that could be because I'm on the pump and as such am only using fast acting, and can lower the basal dosage when I need to. I occasionally go low at night now (for some reason?) and I find that a 90 calorie Fiber One brownie and half a cup of vanilla almond milk work just fine.