I've been absent from the gym for a while, but last I was there I was following the All Pro's Beginner's routine. That had me at the gym 3x/week on non-consecutive days. I just returned to school, and it's a fair commute - about an hour to get there, and then another back. I'm in class Monday-Thursday, and in my hometown…
It just occurred to me that I've been setting about my bulk for almost two weeks now and I never created one of these posts. Time to remedy that! I've just converted to All Pro's for my lifting routine and I'm really enjoying it so far. The plan is to lift 3x/week and to box at least once a week. I know it'll make bulking…
My boyfriend recently got a battery of tests done for food allergies, and the results are pretty damn impressive. On top of having to eat gluten-free, the major things he can't have are dairy, corn, rice, soy, peas, and lentils. From what I know of it, it seems the paleo-type recipes avoid his problem foods, but I don't…