Lost 4 stone sensibly - regained 5lb and need to lose it for my wedding in 3 weeks...
So... I've always been very sensible about my weight loss, I lost 4 stone over around 18 months and maintained a weight of 133/134lb for most of a year. Then since Christmas I've been stressed planning our wedding and moving house and I've been eating and drinking too much and I've put on 5lb! My wedding is now 3 weeks…
Demotivated by the cut in goal calories when you lose 10lb??
I understand the science behind it, that my now smaller body uses less calories to run, but it really feels like a kick in the teeth when I needed a reward! I felt so good about losing 10lb but the 50 less calories is making me miserable! To be honest I'm often more than 50 under my goal anyway but suddenly I feel…
Is using 2/3 of my calories in the evening bad?
I'm trying to lose my baby weight, and am on a calorie goal of 1530. It seems to be going really well so far, I'm 3 weeks in and have lost 9.5lb so far. However, I'm finding that I tend to only eat around 250 calories for breakfast (usually porridge and fruit) and 250-350 calories for lunch (varies but some examples are:…
Need a bit of help losing pregnancy weight
I'm a 25 year old woman, 5ft8, 3 months post-partum and I currently weigh 84.5kg (nearly 10kg more than pre-pregnancy :( ) I've started watching what I eat, and exercising, since new year. I'm doing the 30 day shred, but I've only managed 5 days out of the last 7 as I was very achey having not exercised properly in months.…