your name meaning
So thought i would be fun and ask a question that is not weight,food,or excercise related. So why did you choose your MFP name? or the meaning behind it. I have seen some interesting ones and just was wondering what made you decide that? My MFP namd is my first intial M for Maggie and my last name and the year I was born.…
So my question for today, Do you guys take hydroxycut,or liopzen or any of the weigh loss suppliments or do you think it's cheating? Im just curious. I've used the supplements before(hydroxycut, NV,relacore) what is your opnion? My husband who has worked out on and off for years takes hydroxycut when he is working out(only…
Ok so I have a question about snacks. I have my MFP set up so that I have three main meals and then a snack in between meals and then a bedtime snack. So my question is how much do you guys eat for a snack? I've seen some people on here eat like almost a meal kind of thing. I usually have either fruit, yogurt, or a special…
So how long did it take you to..
Ok so I have a question. I have been tracking and counting calories. I seem to have that down pretty well. I use both the computer and my phone app( I tend to use my phone app more because it helps more when doing portions) So I go and look at my daily nutrient details. How long did it take you guys to get those to not got…
Any people who just started? like as in 2013?
Just wondering if there are people who have just started this process, anyone who started at the end 2012( Nov,Dec) Just curious as to how your 3 months is going? as I am looking to loose 30lbs by the end of March( my husband has been away for work he left 2 weeks ago comes back March 31st) I am hoping by then, I will be…
Dd you guys have any pre-work out rituals?
I just thought I would post something other than food or exercise related, and ask if any of you have any rituals you do or have before working out?(I dont mean stretching or what u may eat or drink before you go) like before I work out I have to put on my chapstick, or my lips get dry from sweating lol, or I wear mismatch…
Do any of you have spurs in your feet/tendon(achilis) I know i have one on my right, and I had some issues w/ my right leg, I had surgery where they went in and stretched the tendon. I was told by the Ortho that w/ diet and exercise it would go away. So the spur I have on my heel on my right went away. But I think I have…
Hi, I wasnt sure where to post this but I have a question. So I went to my gyno appointment yeasterday, and all of that is fine, however I have had a "faty, lump type thing on the back of my neck by where my shoulder starts. I have had it for awhile and it hasn't gone away. Its gotten a little bigger, so I asked her about…
pain and protein?
Ok I have a question, I know that pain is a good thing when your working out( not hurt or injured) but ya know thay achy soreness. Do you guys take anything (ie ibprophin or tylonal) for it. I was told not to because it can hinder muscel growth. i dont want to be a wuss, and know that the pain is telling me that im…
question about machines
Does anyone know a website or if you go to a planetfitness that has all the names of the machines? I know what I do as far as the excersie but I just dont known yet the name of the machines. Thanks -Mags
Calorie counting
Hi everyone! I am new to myfitnesspal. I have done weight watchers and counted calories and all of that. I started meeting with a personal trainer 2x a week, so far its going great and I love it. I am also going to the gym 3x a week. I am use to the gym but I tend to get unmotivated and such, so no I am serious and ready…