Post Card Challenge starts March 17 2013!
Hey everybody! Welcome to the next postcard challenge. Here is how this works: Enter your starting weight by Sunday, March 17th. Then we will all work really hard to eat right and exercise. THEN... 2 weeks later, on Sunday, March 31st, everyone checks back in with their new and improved weight. The person who has the…
Egg suggestions?
As a child I used to love eggs, quiche, etc but I would always get sick after eating them- this was also true for custards, puddings and other egg-y dishes but not from meringues - so I figured it must have been something with the yolks now, even as an adult, the mere smell of eggs cooking makes me queasy - but of course…
Kiwi Recipes
HI Everyone, Yesterday did my first harvest of home grown Kiwis (apparently in my region they should be ripe mid-Sept- through mid-November but we had such a cruddy summer, only now just getting there and I think many just simply aren't ripe) Anyhow, I harvest 80 from our vine and there are at least 100 more on it. Does…
Which Fitness DVDs
Hi I will be going back home to the US for vacation soon and am wondering which DVDs to buy to bring back to Belgium with me/ I already have Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred and Shred it with weigths (so planning on getting ripped in 30) I also have a Leslie Sansone (5 day slim down or similar) Zumba DVDs several Weight…
how do I record 30 day shred?
Ok my rasses frassen heart rate monitor came undone while working out- should I count 30ds as aerobics or circuit training? or as oh my goodness I cannot even do jumping jacks (if that is a category!) thanks for your help!
Silly NSV
As I had a sunny vacaton planned for February- my dear cousin bought me a LOTof summer clothes on clearance for Christmas- some really fabulous- some just ok but on clearance so ok becomes great! a pair of capri jeans she bought which were more on the ok to bla side (her words) only zipped up at the end of January if I…