I'm 4'9 and I've started out at 185 on January 8th and I'm now 165 per the scale this morning.... My question is when did/do you actually start to see a difference??? My clothes still fit the same and I dont have anymore enery! Yet the scale says I'm losing! I eat right and workout but my belly is still sitting on my…
I've asked this to my other MFP friends but how do you motivate a friend who doesnt really care (but knows they need to) lose weight? My best friend is around the same height at me 4'9" and weights maybe close to 300lbs! If I'm 4'9 and I now weight 175 and i'm having troubles (just climbing a flight of stairs) I know life…
What do you do to ease the pain after a workout??? I KNOW I have to keep going but my legs hurt soooo bad and this is from an intense 30min workout on Monday!! I'm supposed to go back tonight but I can barely move! Its been a yr since i actually worked out so Im rusty but OMG!