Opinions on HIGH fat, MODERATE protein, LOW carb diet!
Hi everyone! I was thinking about experimenting with a high fat, moderate protein, low carb diet, following some reading I've been doing regarding fat loss. Any opinions / experiences / success or fail stories out there? Thank you (This was one of the many articles I read, I think its the best one, I'll just add it here in…
Working out everyday - opinions?
Hi everyone I would like to know your opinions about the effects of working out everyday. In my case, I am now unemployed. I have absolutely nothing else to do. I am 24y, 127lbs, at 30% body fat (I know, its ridiculous. But its true.) And I am a bit over 5ft 5in. My routine has been: wake up, breakfast with a lot of…
Diet sodas are not bad after all!!!
Is it bad that I was SUPER happy reading this??? http://life.nationalpost.com/2013/02/20/diet-pop-not-linked-to-spike-in-hunger-cravings-among-overweight-cohort-u-s-study/
Need advice on starting to jump rope...
I have always been very very skinny (never over 115 lbs until I was 22 years old, and I'm 5'6..) but in less than a year I gained around 22lbs!!! almost all around my waist, and I dont feel confortable in new this body I have. I started watching what I ate and I've been walking everywhere for the last 2 weeks, which means…