Opinions on HIGH fat, MODERATE protein, LOW carb diet!

Hi everyone!
I was thinking about experimenting with a high fat, moderate protein, low carb diet, following some reading I've been doing regarding fat loss. Any opinions / experiences / success or fail stories out there?
Thank you
(This was one of the many articles I read, I think its the best one, I'll just add it here in case anyone is curious enough.
http://second-opinions.ginwiz.com/lnk000/=www.second-opinions.co.uk/fat-not-protein.html/ )


  • Possible_Infinity
    Possible_Infinity Posts: 83 Member
    I've had succes doing

    15-20% carbs
    30% Fat
    55% Protein

    No matter what you do make sure they are Healthy Fats. I've heard of these higher fat diets and I don't buy.
  • MyNameIsRita
    Thanks PubRider :) Yes I will make sure to keep the fats I use healthy! The thing is, I read that protein can also be turned into glucose, and fat can't, so by upping the fat and lowering protein, your body would more efficiently use your body fat for fuel :)
  • Carnivor0us
    Carnivor0us Posts: 1,752 Member
    I go with 70%F, 25%P and 5%C

    Too much protein stalls me.
  • kgoodman0108
    kgoodman0108 Posts: 158
    I've found that I'm only successful when I eat more fat than I do protein.
  • amanda1005
    amanda1005 Posts: 31 Member
    Ive been following this since February and love it. At first, you have to get over all the bad stigma fat has, and make sure you are eating enough. Remember, its high fat, not high protein. Coconut oil, heavy cream, full fat cheese, avocados, almonds, butter (I just now finally bought some Kerrygold... omg its amazing) will all be staples. Feel free to add me if you please! :)
  • MyNameIsRita
    Thanks guys. This is encouraging. Do you feel like you are losing a lot of muscle mass?
  • RobynLB83
    RobynLB83 Posts: 626 Member
    When I have cut out a lot of carby food (to deal with IBS), I've found myself craving fat. Weird because I have never had or liked much fat in my diet.

    A high fat, moderate protein, low carb diet is very satiating. You have much less of an appetite, and more stable blood sugar. I never really got over the slump from the lower carbs, and I felt very tired, so I've had to work at getting the carbs back up. I did lose weight at an almost alarming rate for someone who has always been very resistant to weight loss, but my athletic performance suffered terribly.
  • xoemmytee
    xoemmytee Posts: 162 Member
    I've had succes doing

    15-20% carbs
    30% Fat
    55% Protein

    No matter what you do make sure they are Healthy Fats. I've heard of these higher fat diets and I don't buy.

    I am assuming that this guy doesn't know what kind of fat is healthy. Stay away from trans fat, but learn that saturated fat is ok.
  • JisatsuHoshi
    JisatsuHoshi Posts: 421 Member
    Hi everyone!
    I was thinking about experimenting with a high fat, moderate protein, low carb diet, following some reading I've been doing regarding fat loss. Any opinions / experiences / success or fail stories out there?
    Thank you
    (This was one of the many articles I read, I think its the best one, I'll just add it here in case anyone is curious enough.
    http://second-opinions.ginwiz.com/lnk000/=www.second-opinions.co.uk/fat-not-protein.html/ )

    Only thing I can say about any diet is that find one that best works for you. There is not one diet that will work for everyone.

    I see nothing wrong with a high fat diet as I am currently on one myself (Cyclical ketogenic diet... I lift). Currently in the best shape of my life. Stronger & Bigger.

    In my opinion there will be those who will bash the diet saying how it's unhealthy. But if a high fat diet was bad then:

    - Does it make Atkins diet bad?
    - Nausea, fatigue? Only temporary... Body needs time to adjust to use fats as energy instead of carbs.
    - Constipation/diarrhea? You should be eating high fiberous food just like any other diet...
    - Fats & Proteins suppress appitite. Eat a bowl of spaghetti w/ garlic bread for lunch (Carb Heavy) and tell me what happens an hr later? Hungry again right?
    - Nutrients from veggies and multi-vitamin... deficiency what?
    - High fat/low carb diet is diuretic. Just like any other diet you have to hydrate... duh
    - Kidney issues? Go hate on the GOMAD (Gallon of milk a day) diet if you want to talk about kidney issues. Also consuming protein shakes can cause kidney issues too...
    - Used to help treat cancer paitents. Some cancers need carbs to grow. so lowering carbs will help kill the cancer
    - High fat/low carb diet is used to treat young children with epilespy.
    - Good for those dealing with bi-polar/depression issues.
    - I'm sure there are millions of bodybuilders doing a high fat/low carb diet. If it was that bad then why is there a whole forum section on bodybuilding .com?
    - Paleo? Eat things in-season... so winter months you follow a high fat/low carb style then right?

    I go with 70%F, 25%P and 5%C

    Too much protein stalls me.

    I fluctuate between 65%~70% on fats.
  • momzeeee
    momzeeee Posts: 475 Member
    I'm in maintenance and have my macros set at 40f/30p/30c and I usually go over on the fat part :)
  • MyNameIsRita
    To everyone: Do you eat a lot of cheese on this diet? Or do you stay away from dairy? Because I LOVE cheese! What is the one highest on fat?
  • amanda1005
    amanda1005 Posts: 31 Member
    I do eat cheese every day. I put it on my eggs, or I make it into a "sandwich" (shredded cheese in the microwave on wax paper until it starts almost burning.. once it cools down some its like a little disc of heaven lol) I would just say eat whatever kind you like, or go explore new kinds. Thats another thing I love about this diet. Im eating things I never would have tried.
  • SandraNancy
    SandraNancy Posts: 127 Member
    In my opinion, it's great. For me, I find that this, more than anything, is what makes a change in inches. I'm in maintenance, so it's not so much about losing weight now as it is toning/getting stronger.

    I eat 15% carbs, 35% protein and 50% fat. Usually, I don't quite hit my protein and fat, but I get pretty close to it. Since the protein/fats are so filling, I rarely need to go over my daily calorie limit.

    I eat cheese, definitely! I love cheese. Olive oil, avocado, eggs, chicken, fish-- all of these are staples. As long as it fits in my macros, I'll eat a cheeseburger or whatever else I want (not all the time, of course). I heard somewhere that women metabolize fats better than carbs-- don't know if it's true, but I know that I feel better after a meal of chicken and veggies than I do after a bowl of pasta!

    FYI, I'm not demonizing carbs; it's more so the wheat-filled foods that are problematic for me. Carbs are in fruits and veggies, and those are fantastic.
  • g0tr00t
    g0tr00t Posts: 192 Member
    Work with a doctor, seriously. Diets are not supposed to be a temporary solution. Change your diet forever. Why do something temporary only to go back to the food that brought you here?

    It took me a few years to figure it out, but when people ask me what diet I did to lose my 40+ lbs, I tell them I didn't "do a diet" I changed the way I eat forever.

    I thank my doctor and nutritionist for the guidance every time I see them.
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    Thanks guys. This is encouraging. Do you feel like you are losing a lot of muscle mass?

    No, there is adequate protein to be muscle sparing as long as you get at least 20% of your nutrition from protein, which most people do.

    Higher fat ways of eating are known to be more muscle sparing than low fat, higher carb ways of eating.

    I enjoy this way of eating more too because everything has so much flavor and its the way I ate growing up.
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    When I go high fat I'm not hungry and I just feel better in general. Just remember with fat you have to portion control and measure because it is very easy to overdo it on the fat. Cheese is wonderful.
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    Work with a doctor, seriously. Diets are not supposed to be a temporary solution. Change your diet forever. Why do something temporary only to go back to the food that brought you here?

    It took me a few years to figure it out, but when people ask me what diet I did to lose my 40+ lbs, I tell them I didn't "do a diet" I changed the way I eat forever.

    I thank my doctor and nutritionist for the guidance every time I see them.

    Your diet just means what or the way you eat...........

    Everyone has a diet of some sort.

    I will be eating this way for the rest of my life. Moderate to high fat, moderate protein and fill in the remainder with carbs
  • Scubanana7
    Scubanana7 Posts: 361 Member
    Ive been following this since February and love it. At first, you have to get over all the bad stigma fat has, and make sure you are eating enough. Remember, its high fat, not high protein. Coconut oil, heavy cream, full fat cheese, avocados, almonds, butter (I just now finally bought some Kerrygold... omg its amazing) will all be staples. Feel free to add me if you please! :)

    Ditto! I am 58, diabetic, lost 35lbs on lower carb, high protein, still low fat--then stalled even with lots of exercise. I, too, did a lot of research and settled on the LCHF diet. I FEEL FANTASTIC and have dropped the next 15 in two months. I do not eat the fatty meats (still opt for turkey bacon) and eat mostly fish, chicken, and turkey with beef every couple weeks. I do eat cheese, but not daily, and as a treat or a garnish. Too much cheese wreaks havoc on my system (stops me up! TMI). I try for under 10% carbs or net 20/day. I miss fruit, but I do get blueberries in on those carbs levels. I will up gradually but I am trying to lose 30 more by September class reunion, so I will stay away from adding carbs until then. I do fall occasionally and overeat. but VERY RARELY compared to any other diet I have done. I feel way more satisfied on this plan.

    A lot of folks on mfp don't agree with it, but at my age, losing is hard and this is working great. Also my blood sugars are fantastic. I also stay away from junk fats and eat those mentioned in the quote. Check out the thread on Bulletproof Coffee. I am a true believer and love this stuff! Good Luck! There are several support groups doing low carb.

    Friend me if you like. I am much older in years, but young at heart and try to be very supportive. I don't care for the negative folks! We are all here for the same reason....HEALTH (and loss to get there)!
  • MyNameIsRita
    Life is funny. When I was 18 - 20 years old (I am now turning 24) I used to eat pasta pasta pasta bread bread bread ALL THE TIME. I would wake up at 2 AM, cook a HUGE bowl of pasta and just eat it and go back to bed. I was 50 kg (like 110 lbs...). Then the weight started creeping up on me, and my habits stayed the same. So what I think I realized is: when I was younger, more active, with a faster metabolism, carbs would make no difference. But getting older and keeping the same habits is NOT working for me. That's why I want to stay away from carbs as much as possible. I hope it works.
  • MyNameIsRita
    great stories guys, I am loving your feedback, thanks so much!