Tough Mudder
Sooo I pre registered for the Tough Mudder that is coming to Nashville next year. Ive been waiting for this for a long time. For those of you that dont know, its a 10 mile obstacle course. Its pretty much awesome and I hope in some way will remind me of Parris Island, just for fun. Look it up, it maybe something that you…
Not My Greatest Morning
......So this morning at work (I work 24 hour shifts) people decided to tell me that I look too skinny, never mind the fact I just ran a PFT (Im in the Marine Corps as well) and ran my 3 miles in 19 min 41 sec, 18 pull-ups, 100 crunches in 1 min 15 sec. They just decided to tell me I look sick, I look weak, calling me…
Need some opinions, some answers...
Just updated my fitness profile,I started out at roughly 237 lbs back in december, I had been working out a lot just wasnt losing enough, Im now at about 180-185 lbs with about 9-10% body fat last I checked and really sont want to lose anymore, Im 6 feet tall and have a large frame, Ill look sick if I get any smaller. Im…
Well.. Not Sure what to do... Help
Well where to begin, when I got out of the Marine Corps I weighed 185lbs, I was happy with that was going to school to get my EMT license. Got out of school started working in EMS which I found causes you to gain weight. I met my wife and things were good. I then realized that in the span of about 2 years I had gone from…